57.2 F
Morgan Hill
October 18, 2024

Religion: Pride and joy

It was a joy and blessing to be able to attend PRIDEFEST 2023 in Morgan Hill on June 1! The Pride Month kickoff and flag-raising was exciting, inspiring and hopeful.   Exciting because of the energy in the air and on the lawn at the Morgan...

Religion: More blessed to give?

Do you have a prayer room? Is there a room or destination that is “your place” to connect with God? The garden across the Kidron Valley was a place where Jesus went to pray and connect with his father. It is there that Jesus...

Religion: Coping with the world

Whenever I feel like life is difficult or my circumstances are less than desirable, I think of the story of the ancient Israelites, led by Moses out of Egypt into the wilderness as found in the Holy Bible.  They wandered from land to land for...

Religion: Climate change and faith

What has your summer been like? Hot? So hot you had to stay inside? Are you one of the people working outside who aren’t allowed to take a break? Are you one of the people who goes to the hospital because of burns from...

Congregation Emeth prepares to celebrate High Holy Days

The sound of the shofar, a trumpet-like blast made by blowing on a ram’s horn, will ring through Congregation Emeth in Morgan Hill for the upcoming High Holy Day services. Congregation Emeth, serving southern Santa Clara County, will be offering a variety of High Holy...

Religion: The Rising Generation

I’m extremely impressed with the youth in our community. I see immense potential in them and hope that they see that potential in themselves. I am grateful for all those who raise, teach, coach, mentor and bring out the best in them. I recently had...

Religion: Obligating ourselves to do good things

I am fascinated by etymologies, the origins of words. As we approach Thanksgiving, I’m thinking about the origin of our English word “thank.” It comes from the P.I.E. (Primitive Indo-European) root tong, to think. Thank is related phonetically to think, as sang is to...

Religion: Six senses mindfulness

As I taught in my Religion article in April, “True and lasting happiness is not distant. It is within us; we must just allow oneself to sit still, to let go of all thoughts and be quiet in the present moment.” Meditation is the path...

Religion: Bearing good fruit

If we want to change the world, we must first change ourselves and help those around us. I have always thought that all the decisions we make in our lives are going to bring consequences and one day we will realize that the important...

Religion: The pumpkin spice latte: A ridiculous flavor or a fall blessing?

As the leaves begin to turn and the air grows crisp, one thing has become abundantly clear: it's Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) season once again! Even before fall has arrived, the return of this beloved autumnal beverage brings long lines at Starbucks and various...

