77.5 F
Morgan Hill
October 24, 2024

South County year in review

Animal lovers gathered in November to witness a monumental construction milestone: the “topping off” of the new Santa Clara County Animal Services Center in San Martin. After years of planning, the new LEED Silver certified Animal Services Center is on track to open in...

Mental illness doesn’t explain gun violence

The notion that mental illness drives the current spate of mass shootings is a dangerous oversimplification. Some shooters, such as the Aurora. Col., movie theater gunman James Holmes, yes, have had diagnosed mental illness, while others have not. To unfairly stereotype people with conditions...

What can we do?

“Do Something! Do Something!” The chants rang out loud and clear in Dayton, Ohio. There hasn’t been much of a response. The signs at vigils in Texas read, “No more guns.” In Texas, well, not much of a response. The calls to action in these cities followed...

Editorial: Mental illness doesn’t explain gun violence

The notion that mental illness drives the current spate of mass shootings is a dangerous oversimplification.

Editorial: Reclaim our public spaces

We have read about the horrific incidents around the country for years now. Locations like Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Orlando, Las Vegas Strip and Parkland have been etched into our collective memory and will be henceforth associated with senseless loss of life. Never for a moment did we expect Gilroy or the Garlic Festival to join that list.

Photographer’s Notebook: From the front lines

And I tell that guy and anyone else who will listen that this is my town. That I know people who were out there. That students I have followed on the field who had volunteered to work the festival had ended up running for their lives.

Editorial: Unshackle Measure A

It’s time for lone Republican Wasserman, the South Valley’s sole representative, to stand up and demand fiscal responsibility with marketplace competition to get the best deals for taxpayers instead of just going with the flow.

Slower high-speed rail?

It sounds crazy, but a presidential rant on Twitter may have forced Gov. Gavin Newsom to “clarify”—actually, backtrack—his position on California’s high-speed rail. “The project, as currently planned, would cost too much and take too long,” the governor said of the state’s high-speed rail plan...

Becerra gambles with lives

It is now too late to try and convince California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to back off, and allow Saint Louise and O’Connor hospitals to be saved by Santa Clara County. He has doubled down, and all of his cards are on the table. This...

Editorial: New points of view

The November election was historic for Morgan Hill—the first council members to be elected from districts rather than by all city voters. The council members not only have new sets of constituents but also represent the rich diversity of our city and our state—a diversity...

