68.8 F
Morgan Hill
October 21, 2024

Letter: MHUSD lacks transparency, accountability

I want to address the recent letter from Morgan Hill Unified School District Board President Adam Escoto regarding the district’s budget situation. While the claim of financial improvement is encouraging, it only tells part of the story. True transparency is still lacking. The return of...

Letters: Decisions at the polls on Nov. 5

Be an informed voter Morgan Hill voters can take us forward or backwards this November. Some want to go back to a time when respect for people in positions of power was granted exclusively to white men. There are people who literally cannot fathom respect...

Letter: On Morgan Hill mayoral candidates

I am writing in response to Tere Johnson’s perspective on the mayoral candidate forum of Sept. 12, and to give my perspective on that engaging event. While I appreciate Tere Johnson’s passion for Morgan Hill and their support for Mayor Turner, I’d like to...

Letter: Choose wisely for MHUSD

As the upcoming MHUSD school board election approaches, it's crucial for us to take a close look at the individuals seeking to represent our community and our students’ future. After careful consideration, it is clear that Veronica Andrade is the candidate who possesses the...

Letter: Forums present the candidates

While the mayoral candidate forum on Sept. 12 had its challenges, the second forum, sponsored by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Morgan Hill and the City of Morgan Hill, for school board trustee candidates on Sept. 19 was a great success.  We extend...

Letter: District budget improves

As the Board President of Morgan Hill Unified School District (MHUSD), I am writing to clarify our District's financial position for the school year 2024-25. Now that we have closed our financial books, I am pleased to report that through diligent efforts and strategic...

Letter: Mayoral candidates debate

I am writing to share some thoughts about last week’s mayoral debate between Mayor Turner and Councilmember Yvonne Martinez Beltran, and the upcoming election. The debate was hosted by the Morgan Hill chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). Unfortunately, while I appreciate...

Religion: The Importance of Service

Although this article will be published after the Sept. 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, I wanted to discuss why remembering that day through service is so significant. Most of us who witnessed those events on that fall Tuesday morning have a clear...

Letters: Support for school board candidates

We like her We are writing to encourage the Morgan Hill community to vote for Veronica Andrade for the Morgan Hill Unified District Trustee Area 7. Mrs. Andrade inspired us to become the change we wished to see in our community. She is currently embodying...

Religion: Choose a different way

South County continues to be a place of fulfillment of the American Dream: people whose families came from all corners of the world, to live free of oppression. Freedom to express our own faith, or to choose to have no faith, while living respectfully...

