52.5 F
Morgan Hill
February 13, 2025

Religion: God and the stranger

On Oct. 7, 1885, a 16-year-old German barber named Friedrich boarded a ship for New York.  Fleeing the military service then required in Germany, he became one of more than 1 million German immigrants who flooded these shores between 1880 and 1885.  Once he had...

Guest view: Honoring Morgan Hill’s ‘unconventional hero’

I rise today to adjourn in the memory of Marty Cheek—a beautiful soul, the publisher of Morgan Hill and Gilroy Life, an arts and science advocate, a man who loved his community, and his community loved him.  Marty was born in Hollister and was a...

Editorial: Recent traffic deaths remind us to be safe on the roads

Distracted driving is a significant danger for drivers, and it can lead to serious accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. Four such accidents occurred nearby in the past month, killing seven people. The fatalities prompted police to emphasize a message to the public about driving...

Letter: Wait and see

Thank you for the Times interview of Zoe Lofgren. She deserves every bit of newsprint. I felt proud of her service on the Jan. 21, 2021 commission so when reading the following quote I wondered how Representative Lofgren would feel now: “I considered President-elect...

Letter: Stop running red lights

Today we learned that a family friend was in a serious accident when another driver ran a red light and hit our friend. Our friend was in a hospital for weeks, he lost wages, and his car was totaled. We're guessing that when the other...

Letter from John Laird: It has been an honor

For six years in the State Assembly, and the last four years as State Senator, it has been an honor to represent Morgan Hill in the state legislature. Now that the election is over, the 17th Senate District boundaries move south, and Morgan Hill...

Religion: The light of understanding

Did you know that Hanukkah (also spelled Chanukah and other variations) always falls on the 25th of…Kislev, but what is Kislev? Kislev is a Hebrew month in the Jewish lunar calendar.  This means Jewish months follow the cycle of the moon. Akin to our Gregorian...

Religion: The First Noel

The Christmas season is upon us and with it comes the familiar melody of “The First Noel.” To better appreciate the carol's message, let's take a look at its origin.  “The First Noel” is thought to have been composed in England sometime during the 15th...

Religion: The gift of love

‘Tis the season for gift giving! Why do you suppose most every religion expressed in the United States of America in the 21st century—and there are countless religions—all have a season set-aside for “gift giving”?  Could it be that all who frame their lives around...

Religion: Thankful hearts last forever

This holiday season, as you gather with your family and friends, is a great time to reflect on what you're thankful for. But being grateful isn't just for the holidays; it's something we should carry with us every day! The Bible, specifically the book of...

