68 F
Morgan Hill
December 1, 2024

Viable unborn child is a real human being

EDITOR: Your Feb. 7 article headlined

Awarding raises while laying off workers sends the wrong message

Giving raises to some employees while cutting services and

Now is the time to start making changes

As it is becoming increasingly clear that this is going to be

The scales of justice are out of balance

Can you believe it was nearly a decade ago that the nation tuned

Holidays are just around the corner …

I know, it's not even Halloween yet! I get as annoyed as the next guy when I see Christmas showing up in the stores before Labor Day; however, I felt this was a timely message as many of you are about to begin the annual holiday shopping expedition!

Letter: Kudos to local newspapers

Thank you for existing!!! I’m seeing so many small town publications closing and I am grateful to have a quality local paper to read!  Please keep putting out such quality information to your readers. I’m so worried about the loss of important truthful communications to...

Letters to the Editor

County Will Pay for Draconian Safety Net Cuts

