92.6 F
Morgan Hill
September 7, 2024

Religion: The Golden Rule

World religions have more in common than most people imagine. A very basic tenet of every religion is what we call The Golden Rule. It is so well known, that even some who claim no religion at all know it: “Do Unto Others As...

Religion: The Meaning of Thanksgiving

I like etymologies, the origin of words. I like to play with words, especially in different languages. I think we often use words without really thinking about what they really mean and what they imply. “Thanks” is one of those words.  In English, the word...

Religion: Season of creation

The beginning of the Liturgical Year for Eastern Orthodox Christians is Sept. 1. In 1989, the Patriarch of Constantinople declared it the Day of Prayer for Creation and asked people throughout the world to observe it as such. It was later extended to an...

Religion: Guard My Speech

How powerful words are! Rabbi Seymour J Cohen wrote: “Words can inspire, destroy, console us, entice us. Throughout history words promoted hatred, murder, even wars! How many politicians permanently had their careers ended by false rumors and innuendos!” Each of us have experienced the power...

Religion: Rituals touch our lives

Rituals are a series of actions or types of behavior regularly and invariably followed by someone. Rituals are a part of every person’s everyday life. Everyday rituals are about things like setting or not setting your alarm clock, always having that first cup of...

Religion: A burned down treehouse and forgiveness

In the summer of 1975, my friends and I built a treehouse in a large tree located in an open field near our homes. This was the best place to be a kid. All of the neighborhood hung out there. During that same summer, there...

Religion: Gratitude in difficult times

These are difficult times. The world has seen worse, but there is no denying the fear, the sadness and the general feeling of desperation that has become so prevalent these days.  In a recent article in The Atlantic, David Brooks writes that the “percentage of...

Religion: Living in the tensions on Veterans Day

As we prepare to celebrate Veterans Day, let me begin by sharing two verses from the Hebrew Scriptures, also known to Christians as the Old Testament. “Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack. Beat...

Religion: Difficult conversations

I imagine that whoever you are, whatever faith tradition you practice (or don’t), whatever your race or ethnicity, whatever your socioeconomic background, whatever gender(s) (or none)—you probably agree that there are plenty of things that divide us as a country. I would also like...

Religion: Something Greater!

I had the opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Paris, France back in November 2008. My friend and I spent a day in the city on a tour bus, driving past many recognizable locations. One of those locations was Notre Dame. The bus...

