42.1 F
Morgan Hill
March 14, 2025

Winter ball

Morgan Hill Pony Baseball will be holding

Mt. madonna challenge

The twenty-eighth annual Mt. Madonna Challenge 6k and 12k

Heed the heat: part II

The other day my friend told me of a man she saw running around

Milk helps prevent brakes while skating

(NU) - Skateboarding

Mt. Madonna Challenge scheduled for Aug. 24

The twenty-eighth annual Mt. Madonna Challenge 6k and 12k

Coyote Creek hires new head golf pro

Jim Collins is taking over as the new Coyote Creek Golf Club

Chip Shots 7-29

Pride 12u tryouts

Rotary club golf tournament

Mark Friday, Oct. 3 on your calendar now to play in the Morgan Hill Rotary Club's 10th Annual Oktoberfest Golf Tournament at beautiful San Juan Oaks Golf Club. Proceeds from the tournament are used for projects that benefit the community of Morgan Hill, including ten scholarships awarded to local high school seniors. Details: 778-6987 for reservations and information.

