Religion: Maze of life allows a new start
Do you remember doing mazes as a kid? Maybe you went to a corn maze around Halloween? Perhaps you have been to a restaurant with your child or grandchild and done the small maze on the kids’ menu? Mazes teach us about going the...
Religion: Two saints (Heroes)
We have recently commemorated two heroes of our country who, in my opinion, are saints: Cesar Chávez (1927-1993) and Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968).
March 31, in addition to being Easter Sunday, was the anniversary of the birth of Cesar Chávez and April 4 was...
Letter: Restore sanity to MHUSD budget process
I write to address the recent discourse surrounding Morgan Hill Unified School District’s budgetary challenges and the need for accountability within our local educational leadership. I also write to respond to Heather Orosco’s recent letter to the editor, "This isn’t FUND anymore!"
Let’s be clear:...
Letter: Civics education needs vast improvement
In case you have missed the barrage of political campaign commercials, I thought I would let you know 2024 is an election year. And not just any election year—a Presidential Election Year.
Locally, our general election ballots will include the Presidential race, U.S. Senate, U.S....
Religion: Get inside their skin
Maybe you’ve seen him on the side of the road. Or at an intersection, holding a cardboard sign. And it’s easy for you to jump to conclusions about him—his choices, his work ethic, how he would use any money you give him, how he...
Letter: This isn’t FUND anymore!
Regarding the article, “Morgan Hill Schools Face Layoffs as District Cuts Millions” (Morgan Hill Times, March 22), it states that MHUSD faces a budget deficit resulting in $5.5 million of staff reductions, due to the end of the one-time Covid-19 funds. As a member...
Religion: Easter hope
I once saw a sign I have never forgotten. It read: “People can live weeks without food, days without water, and minutes without air, but they can’t live even a second without hope.” I have often thought about this. Is it true, I wondered?...
Letter: Thank you for safe return of wallet
Wow, I just received a phone call that was a real surprise! Our Morgan Hill Police Department called saying that someone had found my wallet in the parking garage and turned it in to the MHPD lost and found. All the money and credit...
Letter: Not seeking re-election to city council
Dear Residents of Morgan Hill,
After much consideration and discussions with my husband, Mark Hoffmann, I have decided not to seek re-election to the Morgan Hill City Council (District C) in 2024.
I have had the privilege of serving our city for 12.5 years—first as a...
Religion: Was it not just for this moment?
I was born in the shadow of the Holocaust. My earliest memories are of Holocaust survivors coming to our house, telling their stories to my parents. My father was known for welcoming people and helping them find jobs and become part of the community....