51.2 F
Morgan Hill
March 13, 2025

Complex debate over taxes on global corporations resurfaces

During Jerry Brown’s first stint as governor of California, he became enmeshed in a very complicated dispute over how the state should tax the incomes of multinational corporations. More than four decades later, the issue has resurfaced in a corporate tax case involving Microsoft, one...

LETTER: Get to know the local candidates

The Nov. 5 ballot will be complex, with candidates and issues at every level of government.  Local voters should grab every chance to inform themselves about our local candidates and issues. Voters will have the opportunity to get together with the candidates and ask direct...

Letter: With big changes coming to industry, Realtors can still help

There have been various information and opinions in the news lately about changes coming to the real estate industry and what they mean for homebuyers and sellers.  As a Santa Clara County Realtor and current President of the Santa Clara County Association of Realtors with...

Letter: School board’s trustee choice must support students

In response to the South County Democratic Club’s open letter (Aug. 9 Morgan Hill Times), and as a registered Democrat myself who values common sense, it’s essential to set the record straight and ensure our community gets the accurate and transparent information they deserve....

Religion: Charitable work of religious organizations

My congregation was recently awarded a Top Giving certificate for our collections toward disaster relief during 2023, particularly for the people of Maui after the horrible fire that destroyed so many homes and disrupted people’s lives last August. The award was presented by Lutheran Disaster...

Letter: Trustees made correct decision on board vacancy

Open letter to Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Carmen Garcia:  I am writing to you as President and on behalf of the South County Democratic Club pursuant to a discussion and vote taken by the club membership at our...

Religion: Letting Go and Regaining Energy

In my last article, “Rediscover the lost path,” I mentioned the seven bases of mind which is the pathway to inner peace. I taught the importance of stilling our mind at the center of our body, two finger widths above the navel level. To...

Editorial: Tik Tok, misogyny and the presidential election

The selection of a Bay Area native as presidential nominee of one of the major parties bears watching here in the bear flag state. If successful, she would not only be America’s first female president and the first one of South Asian heritage—she would...

Religion: Healing Wounds

This week, Jews around the world began the period of the Three Weeks, a time of national mourning leading up to the commemoration of Tisha B’Av (literally the ninth day of the Hebrew month Av), the saddest day on the Jewish calendar.On the secular...

Religion: Celebrating The New Year

The Islamic New Year dates back to the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 C.E. The importance of this event, known as the Hijra, is reflected in the fact that the migration marks the...

