57.2 F
Morgan Hill
October 18, 2024

Guest view: Maintain mental health during shelter in place

Today we are “sheltering in place” to protect our physical health, the health of our loved ones and our greater community. However, these protections, combined with the enormous uncertainty we face, can have a significant toll on our mental health.

Letter: MH native creates COVID-19 data site

My site has up-to-date stats and data on the coronavirus in every state, and country affected. My site also has a live news articles feed. All of the information of the site is from many verified sources.

Editorial: Time for oversight

Smith believes the county’s actual infected population as of Tuesday is closer to 10,000, rather than the official count of 459 announced earlier this week.

What’s Next After Measure I?

Measure I, the attempted $900 million extraction of local property taxes by the Morgan Hill Unified School District for a vaguely defined range of construction projects, was rejected in a veritable landslide. For once, the voters mobilized and rose up to crush a measure...

Letter: Vote ‘Yes’ on Measure A

On the March 3 ballot, voters in Morgan Hill will decide whether to pass Measure A. I personally encourage you to research this issue and vote YES ON MEASURE A.

Letter: Tell the whole truth about school bonds

The front page article in the Jan. 29 edition of a local publication, “Bond will fix and upgrade schools, facilities for the next 30 years” tells the truth, but not the whole truth.

Letter: Measure I is a sound, long-term funding plan

Measure I is essential to protecting and maintaining the high quality schools that help set our community apart.

Our vote: Yes on A. No on I

We think two hotels on the Madrone Parkway site would create less disruption than any other likely use for the property.

Anti Measure A: New tax windfall won’t happen

Measure A is a handout to a wealthy out-of-town developer, while taking away our opportunity to have a wholesome food market/store on the north side of Morgan Hill.

Pro Measure A: Hotels will help fund city services

Measure A affirms the unanimous decision of the Morgan Hill City Council and Planning Commission to allow construction of two new mid-size hotels on vacant land in the Madrone Village Business Park.

