Letter to the editor: A beautiful town no longer
What a sad surprise we had visiting Morgan Hill and our family since the Covid crisis. We could see what was happening to the town even before that. The city leaders have provided an example of how to destroy a beautiful town in just...
Letter to the editor: Vote Yes on Measure S
Building on the successful 2012 voter approved measure with 74 percent in favor of the special parcel tax, Measure S on the 2020 ballot continues this work.
Letter to the editor: Mister Fix-it
Maybe the local hardware store is an unusual place for a person suffering from extreme anxiety to stumble upon solace...but I do.
Letter to the editor: Hate will not daunt us
Thank you to everyone in our community who has joined together to say love is stronger than hate.
Letter: MHUSD superintendent should resign
Thank you for bringing to light a number of issues with our current Superintendent Dr. Carmen Garcia. I wish I could say these were the only problems created by Morgan Hill Unified School District’s superintendent, but the unfortunate truth is, that list goes on.
Opinion: Addressing vaccine myths
Infections and deaths continue to rise due to Covid-19 and the news has been discussing the need to get vaccinated to create the needed herd immunity that will allow us to get back to a more normal lifestyle.
Some of you are considering getting the...
Letter: MH native creates COVID-19 data site
My site has up-to-date stats and data on the coronavirus in every state, and country affected. My site also has a live news articles feed. All of the information of the site is from many verified sources.
Opinion: Draconian fines destroy business
Dear Mayor Rich Constantine and Morgan Hill City Councilmembers:
Thank you for your service to the people of Morgan Hill in building and sustaining a viable, safe and inviting community.
As an admirer and former City of Morgan Hill official, I am writing to you to...
Letter: Longing for simpler times upon exit from Morgan Hill
I am a 50-year-old man who has spent my whole life in Morgan Hill. Being raised out in Paradise Valley on 16 acres of walnut orchard was the best any boy could hope for. My family has deep roots in this area and we...
Letters: Protesters endanger downtown diners
On Saturday, Aug. 29, a large group of unmasked Trump demonstrators walked through the outdoor dining areas along Monterey Road in downtown Morgan Hill. There was no physical distancing and they shouted slogans across our dinner plates.