69.8 F
Morgan Hill
October 24, 2024

Religion: Spiritual communities remain

“Follow your dream—you can do it!” That is the encouragement often offered to children, to youth and to adults in our lives. It is an encouragement to be bold, to pursue their dreams and to persist through difficulties. But what is that dream? What is...

Rabbi Mendel Liberow: Have you noticed those curious-looking structures?

Rabbi Mendel Liberow
A few of you may have noticed the curious-looking structure that popped up outside my home recently. No, we did not embark on an overnight house expansion project. What you saw is our sukkah—a temporary structure that is the highlight of the weeklong holiday...

Religion: Rituals touch our lives

Rituals are a series of actions or types of behavior regularly and invariably followed by someone. Rituals are a part of every person’s everyday life. Everyday rituals are about things like setting or not setting your alarm clock, always having that first cup of...

Religion: Service: The Antidote to Hate

Just a few days ago on Sept. 11, many of us took a moment to remember the terrible events of that day 21 years ago. In an effort to create something positive from this event, The National Day of Service was instituted to be...

Religion: The Shofar’s Call at Rosh Hashanah—The Jewish New Year

When a soloist holds a note for a very long time, the audience is mesmerized. They guess how much longer the note will play and express excitement upon the conclusion. One of the most recognizable symbols of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, is the...

Religion: Unanswered Questions

One of the most repeated questions we as human beings ask is, Why? Especially children, who constantly respond to every situation with the same question. This response may be triggered by different factors: our curiosity, our lack of knowledge, our desire to test someone's patience,...

Religion: The Jewish New Year

Rabbi Mendel Liberow
P.T. Barnum famously said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” What he meant by that was that it doesn’t matter as much what people are saying about you as long as they’re talking about you. The worst feeling is not when someone speaks...

Rabbi Mendel Liberow: The Jewish New Year

Rabbi Mendel Liberow
P.T. Barnum famously said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” What he meant by that was that it doesn’t matter as much what people are saying about you as long as they’re talking about you. The worst feeling is not when someone speaks...

Religion: Interfaith year of resilience

This year the Multifaith Action Society is celebrating the Interfaith Year of Resilience. The “Resilience” theme was chosen to remind communities to continue to be strong and maneuver through the perils and all the uncertainties we find ourselves going through.    We are living in times...

Religion: Difficult conversations

I imagine that whoever you are, whatever faith tradition you practice (or don’t), whatever your race or ethnicity, whatever your socioeconomic background, whatever gender(s) (or none)—you probably agree that there are plenty of things that divide us as a country. I would also like...

