64.8 F
Morgan Hill
October 27, 2024

Chamber: Support local business on social media pages

In an effort to support our beloved restaurants we created the “Morgan Hill Takeout and Delivery Page” on March 17, which now has over 3,000 followers.

Mayors: ‘Cannot reopen’ without more virus testing

The mayors of Morgan Hill, Gilroy and 14 other cities signed a letter asking Santa Clara County officials to substantially increase COVID-19 testing capacities before reopening communities to normal business.

County eases some stay-home restrictions

Under the revised order, construction projects will be allowed to resume provided they follow safety protocols outlined in the order. Outdoor businesses, such as nurseries, can reopen but must adhere to social distancing protocols. The county noted, however, that restaurants that have outdoor seating must remain closed.

Nursing home staff raises PPE concerns

And while management at the Noble Court facility said they have been following local, state and federal health guidelines for protecting their staff, some employees have privately expressed concerns that Pacific Hills Manor has not done enough to ensure adequate face coverings are available inside the nursing home.

County opens testing site at De Paul

Santa Clara County has opened the De Paul Health Center site as a coronavirus testing facility, according to city staff.

City Hall revenues plummet

Morgan Hill city officials and council members are staring down a three-year, $12 million hole in revenue for public services due to the coronavirus pandemic and related stay-at-home orders.

Students create virtual campus

When the Live Oak High School senior found out early this spring that school might be closing down for a while, he took on a virtual project that was much bigger than himself.

Police investigate Crest Avenue shooting

Police are looking for a blue SUV that was allegedly involved in a drive-by shooting in Morgan Hill April 15.

Coronavirus confirmed at Morgan Hill nursing home

Pacific Hills Manor, a skilled nursing home in Morgan Hill, revealed this week that a staff member has tested positive for COVID-19.

COVID-19: By the numbers

A total of 1,833 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Santa Clara County as of April 16. Within the previous 24 hours, local public health officials reported four new deaths and 40 new cases of COVID-19 within the county.

