59.2 F
Morgan Hill
March 28, 2025

Hit-and-run collision takes pedestrian’s life

A pedestrian was hit by two vehicles that left the scene on Monterey Road Thursday night in south Morgan Hill, leaving the victim lifeless and suffering in the roadway, according to police.

Young mountain lion hides out in front yard of Morgan Hill home

State game wardens are keeping an eye on a young mountain lion that is hiding behind a row of bushes in the front yard of a residence in southwest Morgan Hill, in hopes the animal will move along from the area by nightfall, according to authorities.

California renters face eviction as pandemic protections expire

Since the start of the pandemic, housing advocates, policy experts and non-profit service providers have been sounding the alarm on what they say will be an unparalleled wave of evictions.

Anderson Reservoir drained to 3 percent capacity

Valley Water has drained Anderson Reservoir in east Morgan Hill until it is almost empty, and will begin seeking bids in January for a contractor to build a massive new discharge tunnel over the next three years.

Morgan Hill passes San Jose in Covid-19 spread rate

Morgan Hill has surpassed San Jose in the spread of Covid-19 with a local rate of 6,573 positive cases per 100,000 residents as of Jan. 21, according to Santa Clara County public health officials.

Woman dies after Jan. 14 domestic violence incident

A woman who was severely injured in a Jan. 14 domestic violence incident at a home in Morgan Hill has died from her wounds, according to authorities.

Police chief: Leave east MH warning zone now

City officials and public safety authorities are urging residents in the east Morgan Hill foothills to take the SCU Complex fire seriously and flee to safety as soon as they can, even though the area is not yet under an evacuation order.

Police arrest suspected firearms traffickers in Morgan Hill

Following a lengthy investigation, Morgan Hill Police recently arrested two suspects who were traveling through town carrying 21 firearms that would have been distributed to criminal street gangs, according to authorities.

Police: Man pulled gun during argument over mask at Target

A 27-year-old man was arrested at Target in Morgan Hill after he allegedly brandished a handgun when employees asked him to wear a mask, police said.

Anderson Reservoir will close to public through 2030

Anderson Reservoir will be closed to boating, fishing and all recreational activities for the next several years starting Oct. 1. That’s when the local water district will begin draining the lake in order to begin construction on a new discharge tunnel and seismically retrofitted dam.

