57.8 F
Morgan Hill
October 18, 2024

Letter: Virus thrives on ignorance

I have a sign on the back window of my truck that says “stupidity is curable.” After reading Greg Thomas’s letter (Downtown propaganda is ‘newspeak’) in the July 16 Morgan Hill Times, maybe I am wrong.  He and others like him are the reason that...

Guest View, Miguel Villa: Trade one box for another

After time with the criminal justice system in 2010, I experienced the job rejection that many like myself deal with upon re-entering the workforce. While I was more than qualified for job after job, as soon as they saw the box checked for a...

Letter to the editor: Downtown propaganda is ‘newspeak’

A recent visit to a downtown coffee shop occasioned an encounter with a poster by Choose Morgan Hill that declared, “Stand Together By Standing 6 Ft Apart.” This is a deeply disturbing example of cognitively dissonant propaganda, to say nothing of a textbook example...

Letter to the editor: Inspect wells during drought

California, like much of the West, is facing a year of extreme drought which is causing some issues for residential water wells across the state. Water wells are a reliable, affordable, and safe source of water for over a million California residents and when...

Guest View, Johnny Khamis: Can we fix CEQA?

If Bay Area housing stakeholders are to ever address factors that have led to construction delays and the rise in costs for constructing desperately needed housing, we must delve deeper into how a well-intentioned law has inadvertently led to difficulty in producing sufficient housing....

Guest view: Vaccine clinics demonstrate Morgan Hill’s community spirit

It’s now late May 2021 and it definitely feels like the tide is finally turning against the invisible beast that has held us hostage and changed our lives for over a year. Right now the County of Santa Clara is stating that 85.7% of Morgan...

Letter: City has wasted millions on downtown MH

Over a decade of waste and millions of dollars spent by the City of Morgan Hill for Downtown.... The City of Morgan Hill and elected officials continue pushing a biased, agenda-based ideology onto unwilling, skeptical residents and business owners with their “Visioning” of Downtown Morgan...

Letters: RV parks, supporting the troops

Teen has ‘burning desire’ to compete I would like to express my sincere thanks to Emanuel Lee for writing the article “The Comeback Kid” (May 14 edition).  Sofia is our granddaughter. We are especially proud of her regarding her resiliency and tenacious progress for recovery. She...

Guest view: Valley Water to discuss upcoming construction at Anderson Dam

In June, Valley Water will start building a 1,700-foot long tunnel next to Anderson Dam that will allow us to release more water safely during major storms or emergencies. This work is a significant milestone in our efforts to strengthen Anderson Dam and protect...

Letter: No more RV parks in San Martin

New and expanded RV parks are not what South County needs or wants near our homes and in open space. In the unincorporated areas of South County, most of the areas are zoned Rural Residential (RR), which means you may build a new home...

