Opinion: Draconian fines destroy business
Dear Mayor Rich Constantine and Morgan Hill City Councilmembers:
Thank you for your service to the people of Morgan Hill in building and sustaining a viable, safe and inviting community.
As an admirer and former City of Morgan Hill official, I am writing to you to...
Opinion: Appalled at internet outage
Wednesday's (Feb. 3) widespread and debilitating loss of internet, mobile and voice capability throughout Morgan Hill brought to mind a similar incident in 2009 in which an alleged vandal brought our city to its knees in confusion and fear for nearly 24 hours with...
Opinion: Addressing vaccine myths
Infections and deaths continue to rise due to Covid-19 and the news has been discussing the need to get vaccinated to create the needed herd immunity that will allow us to get back to a more normal lifestyle.
Some of you are considering getting the...
Letter to the editor: Hate will not daunt us
Thank you to everyone in our community who has joined together to say love is stronger than hate.
Letters to the editor: Yes on S, bring back speed bumps
Measure S would provide badly needed funding that we can’t count on the federal or state government to provide, to help protect the town I grew up in.
Letter to the editor: Mister Fix-it
Maybe the local hardware store is an unusual place for a person suffering from extreme anxiety to stumble upon solace...but I do.
Letter to the editor: Vote Yes on Measure S
Building on the successful 2012 voter approved measure with 74 percent in favor of the special parcel tax, Measure S on the 2020 ballot continues this work.
Letter: Vote No on Measure S
A NO vote now ensures that Valley Water will have the opportunity to respond with a better measure that includes a sunset date, a less regressive tax, and truly independent citizen oversight—a new measure that we can all support in the next general election cycle.
Letter: Thanks for keeping horses safe
It is more than heartening what two organizations did for total strangers. It is something with which we would like to associate individuals.
Letter to the editor: County road will finally be repaved
As a long time resident of over 30 years, I got some news that portions of a county road in Morgan Hill city limits is finally going to be repaired!