Religion: The dream is still alive in us
Coming from another country I found it difficult to understand the problems of racism as it had been experienced in the United States in the past. Despite apparent advances and significant changes in recent decades, the reality of racism remains. And this is difficult...
Religion: This is how it should be!
In November, I attended a lovely interfaith Thanksgiving service at Congregation Emeth in Morgan Hill. It was a gathering of clergy and laity from the many faith communities in Gilroy and Morgan Hill. In addition to the hosting Jewish congregation, there were representatives from...
Religion: A time of review, a time of renewal
The end of the year usually brings with it a sense of reflection and evaluation. This year has been more challenging, as we experienced the difficulties of a global uncertainty. Many have struggled with anxiety, fear, loneliness and loss in many ways.
Consider the start...
Religion: Living in Peace
It was Christmas morning, but this Christmas was unlike any before. It was 1914, and thousands of soldiers were in the trenches as World War I was beginning to rage.
Yet, in the midst of the war and conflict, something beautiful emerged. Historians do not...
Religion: Banish the Darkness, Spread the Light
As we approach the darkest time of the year, Jews prepare to celebrate Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights. The ancient story took place in the 2nd century BCE during the reign of Syrian-Greek King Antiochus IV. He imposed harsh decrees upon the Jews forbidding...
Rabbi Mendel Liberow: Celebrate Chanukah
We’re about to celebrate one of my most favorite Jewish holidays: Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, which begins Dec. 18 and runs through Dec. 26.
It’s my favorite because more than any other Jewish holiday, Chanukah is all about celebrating our freedom to live proudly...
Religion: Guard My Speech
How powerful words are! Rabbi Seymour J Cohen wrote: “Words can inspire, destroy, console us, entice us. Throughout history words promoted hatred, murder, even wars! How many politicians permanently had their careers ended by false rumors and innuendos!”
Each of us have experienced the power...
Religion: More Blessed to Give?
We’ve all heard people say it is more blessed to give than to receive. Many of us have probably said it. I mean, doesn’t it sound like the right thing to say? But more than being the “right” thing to say, there is something...
Religion: Enjoying the Christmas sprint…
By the time you read this article, you may have very well taken your last bite of Thanksgiving dinner. You’ve let your belt out a notch and put the leftover turkey, potatoes, stuffing and cranberry sauce into to-go containers for your guests to take...
Religion: A Thanksgiving invitation
All of South County is invited to the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, held Nov. 20 at Congregation Emeth, 17835 Monterey Street, Morgan Hill, beginning at 3pm. Clergy and lay leaders in the interfaith community who live in both Morgan Hill and Gilroy will participate....