Poppy Jasper Film Festival Scholarship
Morgan Hill's Poppy Jasper Film Festival has awarded its 2006 scholarship to Alyssa Nelson, a graduating senior at Live Oak High School. An exceptional student, Alyssa's studies have included audio/video and digital photography courses. A portion of her scholarship application included manipulated digital still photographs as well as two digital video projects. Her ambition is to combine music with visual images to enhance the emotional impact of both. She is working on her submission for this year's Poppy Jasper Film Festival.
Silicon Valley Higher Education Roundtable
Silicon Valley Higher Education Roundtable (SilVHER), the consortium of higher education institutions in the region, has unveiled its "SilVHER Certificate" pilot program designed to increase college access for historically underrepresented students.
Sobrato High FFA Students Take Part in Santa Clara Competition
Six Sobrato High School Future Farmers of America students recently competed in the Santa Clara Section Project Competition. Project Competition gives students an opportunity to share their knowledge of their agriculture projects. Judges visit each of the students at their home or places of work. Four students received gold awards and two students received silver awards.
FBLA Students Win Awards
Live Oak High School Future Business Leaders of America members competed during the recent annual California State Leadership Conference in Irvine.
Live Oak Seniors Receive $1 Million-Plus in Scholarships
Morgan Hill – More than $1 million in scholarships were awarded to 180 Live Oak High School graduating seniors Wednesday evening.
21 MH Seniors Have Not Passed the High School Exit Exam
Superintendent welcomes reinstatement of test