45.6 F
Morgan Hill
March 16, 2025

Fall shows need for broad, reliable mobile phone coverage in the hills

EDITOR: While the Sycamore Fire story dominated the front page

Consider planting a tree that will add beauty for a fitting roadside memorial

EDITOR: I would like to respond to the recent letter written in

Many thanks to all those who helped with Taste of MH’s classic car show

EDITOR: I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those

Thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated

EDITOR: I would like to extend my sincere thanks and

City does not have a viable and measurable water conservation plan

EDITOR: We pay some of highest water rates in the valley. If you

Taste a huge success, and couldn’t have happened without a lot of help

EDITOR: I am pleased to announce that this year

Don’t understand why memorial to son’s death has to be removed

EDITOR: Our son died on the side of the road on the way up to

Use desalinated water instead of water contaminated by perchlorate

EDITOR: Is Mark Grzan the only sanity among you in Morgan Hill?

