57.3 F
Morgan Hill
October 17, 2024

Religion: Retelling the story of our journey from slavery to freedom

If you have to leave your home quickly, what would you bring? For some of us, this is not a theoretical question. Recent floods and past fires have necessitated speedy departures for safety. Thousands of years ago, the Jews left quickly from slavery in...

Religion: Response to a Vocal Minority

In the San Francisco Bay Area, we seem to be in a bubble of more open-minded thinking and inclusion. There are other places, regions and states that seem to be filled with fear of the outsider and suspicion of neighbors of different ethnicity, national...

Religion: The Mother of all Nations  أم الدنيا

Egyptians call it Om al Donia, the mother of all nations. If you ask an Egyptian why, he or she will give a full list from the oldest civilization to the best falafel sandwich you will ever have! Here is my interpretation why Egypt has...

Religion: Breaking free: A Passover message

Rabbi Mendel Liberow
Our nation is facing a new crisis.  Our young people are battling mental health issues, depression and self-harm at rates far, far higher than older generations. A study by Murmuration found that members of Gen-Z—people born between 1997-2012—are about twice as likely as older Americans...

Religion: Nurturing Our Inner Life

When March 1 arrives, I always think of spring. I know that the official start of spring is later in the month of March, but for me spring is here at the beginning of March. I grew up in the south, and when March...

Religion: Bettering One’s Relationship With The Lord

“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And He fasted for forty days and forty nights.”  Mathew 4: 1-2 The recent appearance of actor Mark Wahlberg with his “40 Day Challenge” on NBC’s Today morning...

Religion: Something Greater!

I had the opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Paris, France back in November 2008. My friend and I spent a day in the city on a tour bus, driving past many recognizable locations. One of those locations was Notre Dame. The bus...

Religion: A burned down treehouse and forgiveness

In the summer of 1975, my friends and I built a treehouse in a large tree located in an open field near our homes. This was the best place to be a kid. All of the neighborhood hung out there. During that same summer, there...

Rabbi Mendel Liberow: Four things I learned from the Super Bowl

Rabbi Mendel Liberow
With the football season coming to a close, it’s a great time to apply the wise Jewish teaching that everything one encounters can teach us a lesson in how to serve G-d. Here are four lessons I learned: Every Player is Crucial The star quarterbacks, wide...

Religion: The true meaning of rachamim, compassion

Jewish teachings emphasize the importance of “rachamim,” which is usually translated as compassion or mercy. We first read about rachamim when it is used in Exodus 34:6-7 in the Hebrew Bible. It is one of the 13 attributes used to describe God. In the...

