Construction crews have begun Phase 2A of the Llagas Creek Flood Protection project in Morgan Hill.
Work on this phase will stretch from the intersection of Main and Hale avenues through downtown Morgan Hill to Del Monte Avenue, via a giant underground box culvert. Valley Water crews and contractors will spend the better part of the next 2.5 years tunneling under Nob Hill on the west side of the downtown.
On Oct. 29, crews were beginning to install a temporary sound wall around Llagas Creek adjacent to Warren Avenue. The sound wall is intended to dampen the noise of heavy drilling and welding equipment for surrounding residents, according to city staff.
Upcoming work on Phase 2A will require traffic disruptions in the area of the Main and Hale intersection, according to Morgan Hill Public Works Director Chris Ghione. Additionally, work on relocating a sewer main is occurring on Del Monte Avenue between West Dunne and Spring Avenues. This work will not create significant traffic delays.
The Llagas Creek Flood Protection project is led by Valley Water, the water district that serves Santa Clara County. When completed, the project will eliminate flooding through the west side of Morgan Hill.
For additional information and updates about the project, visit Valley Water’s project page at bit.ly/LlagasFloodControlProject.