music in the park, psychedelic furs

Tape a sign to a street post? Fine, but please clean up the mess after the event
Dear Editor,
I LOVE Morgan Hill and its atmosphere!
Unfortunately, I have a pet peeve that I think can be easily remedied. To those of you who tape Garage Sale signs and lost pet signs to street posts, it would be greatly appreciated if you would remove them. This common practice has gotten out of hand. I simply cannot understand why anyone would want signs and hideous tape to mar our beauty.
PLEASE be responsible and remove your signs. I have been trying to remove as many signs as I can, but simply cannot keep up with the number that are ruining our lovely city. Thank you so much!

Linda Hartman, Morgan Hill


$198,250,000 in bond debt – how about an update on school district expenditures?
Dear Editor,
Is it possible we can get an update on where Morgan Hill is with Measure G?
Now that the victory parties are long past it would be wonderful for an update. Lest we forget, Morgan Hill homeowners are now funding $198,250,000 dollars through their property taxes so the sale of bonds can commence and mold can be removed from classrooms.
A recent visit to the MHUSD web page proved futile. All that was there was a legal notification for a public oversight committee. Does the machinery of local government really turn this slowly? Four months post the election and this is all we have to go on? Anyone charged with a program of this scale in the private sector would lose their job with such latency in progress.
A Google search on “Measure G Morgan Hill” did bring up a posting on and encourage everyone to review the posting: It was really fascinating to recall that everything Measure G is targeted to address is covered by existing funding models.
There was some good news on the MHUSD web page. In a letter from Superintendent Wes Smith there appears to be some great district-wide achievements happening.  Reading, academic test scores, graduation rates, language competency, everything seems to be going in the right direction. I can tell you why – the parents and teachers who do the heavy lifting every day with their kids.
Morgan Hill is at a very critical juncture now that we are extending our indebtedness. We must not begin down the path of Vallejo, Stockton or Los Angeles.
Government entities do not generate revenue and hence create dangerous situations when they extend funding obligations beyond the ability to collect taxes.
The general operating budget of the San Jose International Airport has to set aside 45 percent of its budget just to service its debt! Would anyone reading this letter want to spend 45  percent of their paycheck just to pay the interest on debt?
California is servicing a $10 billion loan from the federal government in order to pay for jobless benefits while borrowing $313 million from the state disability trust fund in order to service the debt.
I challenge the Editorial Board, His Honor Mayor Steve Tate, the city council, the school board and other major proponents of Measure G like Kathleen Sullivan, His Honor former Mayor Dennis Kennedy to post a monthly article in this paper with updates on Measure G.
Perhaps property owners could receive a nice 4-color brochure once a quarter with photographs of ceiling tiles being replaced and engineering labs getting built. Those who paid for the 4-color brochures which choked our mailboxes in October last year could use their same deep pockets to keep us up-to-date.

Brett Welch, Morgan Hill

Editor’s Note: We’ll be happy to publish a MHUSD update.

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