EDITOR: The high-density, low-income housing project partially
funded by Redevelopment Agency Funds on the corner of East Dunne
and Butterfield is nearing completion. The light gray siding, white
window frames and dark charcoal gry roof is an attractive color
The high-density, low-income housing project partially funded by Redevelopment Agency Funds on the corner of East Dunne and Butterfield is nearing completion. The light gray siding, white window frames and dark charcoal gry roof is an attractive color combination.
Recently a unit was painted an unsightly combination of gold, green and brown with light gray doors. (Six colors with the dark gray roof and white windows) Then a second unit was painted in a similar color scheme. Guess these colors are for real.
I called City Hall objecting to the “tacky” colors, but call was not returned. Why would finished siding be painted at all? Let’s save a lot of “our money” and the ambiance of our community and halt the painting.
Please take a good look and voice your opinions.
Helen Espy, Morgan Hill