Keeping ahead of potholes before the onset of winter rains, the
city has announced a repaving schedule for Main Avenue and part of
Monterey Road not repaired earlier in the year.
Keeping ahead of potholes before the onset of winter rains, the city has announced a repaving schedule for Main Avenue and part of Monterey Road not repaired earlier in the year.
Starting Thursday and continuing through today, Friday, pavers will seal cracks and repair pavement on Monterey Road from Dunne Avenue, south to the city limits below Watsonville Road. Main Avenue from Peak Avenue to the Hwy 101 overcrossing, Diana and Serene avenues through to Butterfield Boulevard will also get attention.
This work will prepare the streets for future asphalt overlay.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 2-3 the same areas will undergo pavement grinding work, to ready the roadbed for asphalt overlay. This work will occur during daylight hours.
Nighttime activity will begin Wednesday, Sept. 3, continue Sept. 4 and 7-10 to apply asphalt overlay to Monterey Road from Dunne Avenue, south to the city limits.
Asphalt overlay work will occur during daylight hours, the week of Sept. 8 on East Main Avenue from Belletto to the Hwy 101 overpass and Diana and Serene avenues to Butterfield Boulevard.
Resurfacing on Monterey Road between Cosmo and San Pedro avenues will be postponed until a new waterline is in place.
The city will notify all businesses and residents within the work areas, with specifics about parking restrictions; temporary no parking signs will also be posted on the streets.
Details: Public Works: 776-7333.