Morgan Hill Gymnastics will be hosting an open house and tumble-a-thon in conjunction with the National Gymnastics Day, which will be promoted nationally through newspapers and TV. Session 1 is 10:30 - noon, and session 2 is noon to 2 p.m. This will be the third year MHG has competed in this event. Details: 778-2882.
First ever lo track camp
Live Oak will be holding its first ever track camp beginning on July 28 for boys and girls ages 10-17. Also being held during the week are soccer, beginning and intermediate tennis, badminton and cheerleading. Each of these camps costs $85. The second science and math camp will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and the cost is $145. Additional camps continue throughout the summer. Details: Norm Dow at 847-2075.
It’s never too late to get off the rocker
The best advice I ever received came from a 90 year old man, who