53 F
Morgan Hill
March 14, 2025


Morgan Hill Gymnastics will be hosting an open house and tumble-a-thon in conjunction with the National Gymnastics Day, which will be promoted nationally through newspapers and TV. Session 1 is 10:30 - noon, and session 2 is noon to 2 p.m. This will be the third year MHG has competed in this event. Details: 778-2882.

First ever lo track camp

Live Oak will be holding its first ever track camp beginning on July 28 for boys and girls ages 10-17. Also being held during the week are soccer, beginning and intermediate tennis, badminton and cheerleading. Each of these camps costs $85. The second science and math camp will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and the cost is $145. Additional camps continue throughout the summer. Details: Norm Dow at 847-2075.

Heed the heat

You may be asking yourself if it is it safe to exercise in hot

Barnstormers advance

Team overcomes 10 turnovers with late rally to get past

Pop warner signups

Morgan Hill Pop Warner is still accepting applications.

Day with the athletics

The Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce is holding a day with the

Gavilan basketball

The Gavilan basketball summer camp will be held July 28- Aug. 1

Barnstormers face tough task in playoff game

Norm Kabbani never met a football team he didn

LO boosters plan golf tournament

The Live Oak High School Athletic Boosters Club will be

It’s never too late to get off the rocker

The best advice I ever received came from a 90 year old man, who

