42.7 F
Morgan Hill
March 14, 2025

Mt. Madonna Challenge race results

Mark Lucas of Monterey, led all in the 6K Salamander racer with a time of 23:54 or about 67 seconds off of the course record during Sunday’s Mt. Madonna Challenge. Salinas’s Tina Chacon triumphed over all of the women participants in the 6K with a time of 29:02.

Mosquitoes can be harmful to hunters

The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) is urging game

Chip Shots 8-29

Swim programs

Shark’s schedule


Stretch to your limits

Is stretching important? You bet it is.When done properly,

Thrive on throwing

The nationally recognized off season arm strengthening program used by professional baseball players will be held Sept. 15 to Nov. 17 and will be limited to 12 students per each class. There are two different classes for under 12, a class for 13 + and a high school class.

Fall basketball

Registration is now being accepted for the Fall SCBA Basketball program. Games and practices are held on Saturdays only from Sept. 6 through Nov. 1. Applications can be picked at all Morgan Hill unified Schools, www.scbabasketball.org or by calling 408 460-7402.

Night golf

Gilroy Golf Course will once again be kicking off its summer junior golf schedule with their second annual ‘Midnight Madness Nightlite Golf Tournament’.

Ailing 49ers down Saints

Garcia returns to action; Niners improve to 3-0 in preseason

