92.6 F
Morgan Hill
September 7, 2024

Rams pack punch in opener

Gavilan off to a strong start after making up for 49-7 loss last

Rams to be tested early as season opens

Gavilan tries to avenge last year

Chip Shots 9-2

Boosters golf tournament

Mt. Madonna Challenge race results

Mark Lucas of Monterey, led all in the 6K Salamander racer with a time of 23:54 or about 67 seconds off of the course record during Sunday’s Mt. Madonna Challenge. Salinas’s Tina Chacon triumphed over all of the women participants in the 6K with a time of 29:02.

Mosquitoes can be harmful to hunters

The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) is urging game

Chip Shots 8-29

Swim programs

Shark’s schedule


Stretch to your limits

Is stretching important? You bet it is.When done properly,

