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Some good news for a change! While we have begun to see some rain, rainfall levels and the snowpack are expected to remain far below normal. Some of our local reservoirs are nearly empty. Statewide water conditions are poor, and we are expecting some significant challenges in meeting our needs this year.
Late last month, the Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors took a number of actions to respond to the worsening water supply outlook. We are asking all residents to help us reach a water reduction target of 10 percent.
Recently, I have been asked: “When will the Water District initiate rationing?” My answer is that the SCVWD is a water wholesaler, not a retailer. The retailers are the various cities and water companies that sell water to you and they are the ones that can determine whether water rationing is needed and appropriate.
In the meantime, here are 10 suggestions to help you use water more efficiently.
1. Change your landscaping. Have you considered converting your high water using landscape to a low water using landscape? This is the year to do it. Most residential water use is outdoors. You can save a tremendous amount of water. We offer a cash rebate, for those who qualify, and we just increased the rebate amount. We have an extensive list of qualifying plants that can be used. While they use little water, your new landscape can be vibrant, attractive and full of color.
2. During most winters, your irrigation system should be completely off. If it’s been dry and minimal irrigation is needed, check sprinkler timers and reduce watering times. Be sure to turn off your irrigation system when it’s raining.
3. Check your sprinkler heads, valves and drip emitters. They could be broken or aimed incorrectly.
4. Get rid of that old toilet. We offer rebates of up to $125 for premium high-efficiency models and up to $50 for other high-efficiency models.
5. Fix those leaks. To help detect hidden leaks, turn off anything that uses water and see if the low-flow indicator (usually a small triangle) on your water meter is still moving. If it is, there could be a leak. Toilets leaks are particularly common. It may just need a new flapper, which is cheap and easy to install.
6. Sign up for a free Water-Wise House Call by calling 800-548-1882. A technician will come by at a time convenient for you and help you identify ways you can reduce your water use.
7. Consider a graywater system for your clothes washer. You can divert used washer water to your own garden. We are now offering a $100 rebate for qualifying systems.
8. Only run your washing machine or dishwasher with full loads. Some people are surprised to learn that a dishwasher uses less water than washing by hand.
9. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth and shaving.
10. Make sure you have a low-flow showerhead. e offer them for free. Reducing your shower time by five minutes can save about 10 gallons. Consider putting a bucket in your shower to catch water while it’s warming up. You can use the water in your yard or to flush a toilet.
For any of our programs, contact the water district first to make sure you qualify. Our helpful water conservation team is ready to assist you at 408-630-2554 As always I’m available as your District 1 representative for the Cities of Gilroy, Morgan Hill and San Martin Feel free to contact me at (408) 265-2600.
Guest columnist Dennis Kennedy is the former mayor of Morgan Hill and currently the representative for South County on the Santa Clara Valley Water District Board.

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