64.8 F
Morgan Hill
October 26, 2024

Editorial: Mental illness doesn’t explain gun violence

The notion that mental illness drives the current spate of mass shootings is a dangerous oversimplification.

Letters to the editor: Yes on S, bring back speed bumps

Measure S would provide badly needed funding that we can’t count on the federal or state government to provide, to help protect the town I grew up in.

Grainy-skinned cat may have flea problem

When our cat, Watie, jumps up to get some water from the kitchen

Editorial: Time for oversight

Smith believes the county’s actual infected population as of Tuesday is closer to 10,000, rather than the official count of 459 announced earlier this week.

What can we do?

“Do Something! Do Something!” The chants rang out loud and clear in Dayton, Ohio. There hasn’t been much of a response. The signs at vigils in Texas read, “No more guns.” In Texas, well, not much of a response. The calls to action in these cities followed...

Guest view: Yes on Prop 15 for better schools, public services

As Mayor of Morgan Hill, I know our city is strongest when we have great schools, thriving small businesses and high-quality public services. That’s why I’m supporting Proposition 15, the Schools & Communities First initiative on the November ballot.

Letter: City has wasted millions on downtown MH

Over a decade of waste and millions of dollars spent by the City of Morgan Hill for Downtown.... The City of Morgan Hill and elected officials continue pushing a biased, agenda-based ideology onto unwilling, skeptical residents and business owners with their “Visioning” of Downtown Morgan...

Editorial: Unshackle Measure A

It’s time for lone Republican Wasserman, the South Valley’s sole representative, to stand up and demand fiscal responsibility with marketplace competition to get the best deals for taxpayers instead of just going with the flow.

Guest view: Anderson Dam is top priority for water district

Our top priority remains an effort to retrofit and strengthen Anderson Dam, home to Santa Clara County’s largest reservoir, so it can safely withstand a strong earthquake.

Swingers average 35-50 years of age

Whoever wrote the editorial

