Ashley visiting Miss Kitty at Garden Accents in San Martin.
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Our granddaughter, 6-year-old Ashley, is extraordinary. We, as well as her other grandparents (their only grandchild), agree that perhaps this child is one of a kind – a bright, beautiful resplendent child. OK, at times, she can be head strong and demand her way. Well, she’s an only child.

But, let me tell this story.

From her home in Campbell, Ashley loves to come to Grandma and Grandpa’s house in Morgan Hill. In fact, she loves to come and play with Grandpa, while her mother and Grandma go shopping. Of course, she always directs what we are going to do. Usually, she draws crayon pictures on scrap paper that I save from my computer. We may then put a CD into the computer and she will play a game. Yes, she is knowledgeable enough to play intricate kid’s games on the computer. Next, we may go to Mickey D’s for a Happy Meal.

No matter, many other times when Ashley is left with Grandpa, we do none of those. We take a trip to Ashley’s favorite place.

Ashley is in her car seat and we drive down Highway 101. Somewhere after the airport at San Martin, we see all the many “horseys” pastured along the freeway.

But, her favorite, comes at Masten Avenue. She calls it “the Pot Farm.” And, we take the off ramp to “Garden Accents.”

Actually, you can see this establishment from the freeway. Garden Accents has a huge display of unique pots and many other large “outdoor” decorative pieces.

The “Pot Farm” is Ashley’s favorite place. Maybe, it’s mine, too.

Ashley runs to the little pond to look at the goldfish then begins to skip down the lane to all the adventures, through covered plant venues to outside areas featuring planting pots of every color, size and design. Always skipping, Ashley jumps upon statue ponies and climbs into the saddle. Ashley always leading, we dart down this avenue and that. The place is a veritable maze. Yelling “Grandpa, Grandpa follow me,” she skips to the next diorama.

But, she loves the doves in the large walk-in atrium. And, so does the great big “house cat.” They both stare at the doves. Ashley talks to the doves. “Miss Kitty” has other desires. No matter, Ashley loves Miss Kitty

For more than a year, Ashley and her “Grandpa” have been visiting her favorite “Pot Farm”.

Although Ashley has her dog, “Rascal,” a Maltese, also, in her yard, she has a turtle, toad and frogs. Nevertheless, Miss Kitty remains Ashley’s favorite. And, knowing this, “Garden Accents” stays in touch. So, recently, we found out, a male, Stubby, had entered the premises and the folks at “the Pot Farm” took him in. Of course, Miss Kitty still rules her domain.

Recently, Ashley insisted that she wanted to take Christmas presents to both Miss Kitty and Stubby. With her mother, she visited her local pet store and bought a package of play mice and one of colored balls as well as a box of cat biscuits. She packaged them in a festive Christmas bag stuffed with green tissue. 

Last Saturday, she came to Grandpa’s house.While her mother and Grandma went shopping, Ashley and I cruised down the freeway to her favorite place, the old “Pot Farm.”

When we got there, old gray Miss Kitty was near the entrance. She followed us in. As always, everyone greets Ashley by name. And, Ashley petted and stroked Miss Kitty. With the help of Shirley, we were escorted to Stubby’s bed and food dish in a small “green house.” Ashley left colored balls, a mouse and some biscuits. Stubby wasn’t there. 

Next, we went to Miss Kitty’s residence in the wooden cabin adjacent to the entrance. Ashley left colored balls, two mice and some biscuits. Miss Kitty was not far behind. She immediately jumped in and batted the mice around, having what seemed to be a marvelous time.

Then, we searched for Stubby.  We spotted this black and white newcomer, but Stubby wasn’t in need of petting. We followed him this way and that. We followed out to a back lot where irrigation pipe is stored and he climbed into a big yellow pipe. Ashley tried to coax him out to no avail. Later, we saw him over in another area. Apparently, he went out the other end of the pipe without us noticing.

Recognizing this useless pursuit, Ashley came back to her buddy, Miss Kitty. They met at the big “walk-in” dove cage and stared at the doves, as they do so often. Again, I am sure Miss Kitty had different desires than Ashley.

Just go there and explore.

Maybe at Garden Accents, “the pot farm,” you will “skip along” like my Ashley.

Merry Christmas.

Burton Anderson, a U.S. Marine veteran of the Korean War, has lived in California for about 50 years. He has a background in aerospace industry. He can be reached at ba****@ao*.com.

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