Food insecurity hits home
Second Harvest Food Bank spokeswoman Suzanne Willis says the struggles of hungry families are often intertwined with housing insecurity, job insecurity and all forms of social, racial and economic injustices.
Anderson Reservoir drained to 3 percent capacity
Valley Water has drained Anderson Reservoir in east Morgan Hill until it is almost empty, and will begin seeking bids in January for a contractor to build a massive new discharge tunnel over the next three years.
New downtown stop signs
Motorists traveling through downtown Morgan Hill might want to be extra alert as they get used to two new stop sign intersections on Depot Street.
County honors two MHUSD employees for Covid-19 response
Two staff members who have been uniquely instrumental in helping Morgan Hill Unified School District handle the Covid-19 crisis were honored by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors last week.
Rescuers search for sick bobcat in Coyote Valley
Wildlife rescuers searching for an ailing bobcat in the South Bay say the animal is suffering from extreme mange likely brought on by exposure to harmful rodenticides.
What Santa Clara County’s sewers reveal about coronavirus
As coronavirus infections skyrocket throughout the nation, scientists are studying the foul sludge coursing through thousands of miles of sewage pipes in Silicon Valley and South Santa Clara County to identify outbreaks before they’re reflected in official case counts.
SCC Exec: ‘Vigorous’ statewide quarantine preferred over mere warnings
While the vaccine brought a glimmer of hope to a dark season, California’s coronavirus surge continues its record-shattering onslaught, with more than 45,000 new cases and 260 deaths in just the past day.
County caps food delivery fees
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Dec. 15 to put a temporary cap on commissions and fees charged by third-party food delivery services to local restaurants. The ordinance, initially proposed by County Supervisors Joe Simitian and Cindy Chavez, will go into effect Dec. 19.
De Paul Health Center now open for non-acute care
De Paul Health Center in northeast Morgan Hill is now open, temporarily, to treat non-acute step-down patients during the current Covid-19 surge.
Police seek to ID man caught on Specialized camera
Morgan Hill Police have released another image from surveillance camera footage related to the Dec. 13 burglary of Specialized Bicycle Components, in hopes of gaining more information about the incident.