Tying Islam to Sept. 11
Dear Editor,
Morgan Hill Times staff writer Marilyn Dubil writes, “News of a proposed Islamic complex in San Martin has fueled a flurry of letters to the Times both in support of the project and against it, suggesting there are some strong feelings still lingering in the South County area nearly six years after 9/11.”
I cannot believe the above paragraph. Are we supposed to let bygones be bygones? Time does not diminish the pain inflicted on our nation and I will never forget the deaths of those innocent people just because they were in America.
Sept. 11, 2001 was the first salvo in the declaration of war, a religious war by the nation of Islam on all NON believers. I, as a woman, will NEVER agree with a religion that restricts my individual rights, clothing style, behavior or right to be treated as an equal in my own country. Muslim zealots have vowed to destroy all non believers, i.e. Christians, etc.
People need to stop fooling themselves, this is not a “let’s all be friends” situation. Wake up America and wake up Morgan Hill!!
Pamela Waring, Morgan Hill
Have We Forgotten 9/11?
Dear Editor,
I couldn’t believe your June 13 letter-to-the-editor headline titled, “Mosque Support is Heartening” Excuse me, where have you and your poor benighted fellow “good Americans” been since 9/11?
Did you miss the fact that the blind cleric who masterminded the first Trade Center bombing was the head of a mosque in New Jersey?
Did you miss that little anecdote about how Mohammed Atta and some of his co-terrorists met at their mosque in Germany?
Were you asleep when it was pointed out that the terrorists who bombed the trains in Spain were affiliated with the same mosque?
Weren’t you listening to the news when our government managed to choke off the supply of money which had been sent regularly from mosques in America to support Al Quaida and other terrorist groups?
Don’t you think that even if the Muslims of our South Valley really are loving and peaceful and do not intend to overtly support terrorism, we have a right, nay an obligation to expect them to keep their religion low-key and quiet at this point in time?
At the very least, the erection of this Muslim Center is unseemly. Can you imagine Japanese people building a new Shinto Temple in the United States after Pearl Harbor?
Diane C. Dawson, Morgan Hill
Beware of Fanatical Islam
Dear Editor,
I am happy that Steve Harkness enjoyed my letter. In response to his, the Gaza Strip and the “nut jobs,” they are important because their views of a new Caliphite are exactly what they want here. I keep hearing about how the “fanatical Islamic” groups are only a small part of the Islamic faith. That’s true.
I keep hearing that American Muslims are assimilating. That’s great. But shouldn’t the Muslims who call America their home consider themselves Americans first who practice Islam? The PEW report indicates otherwise with 60 percent considering themselves Muslims first and then Americans. I have read the report Mr. Harkness refers to, and yes it is interesting reading. However, I did not “cherry pick” something that was not in the report. The facts I mentioned were in the report, and should not be discounted. The truth is that most of the mosques in America have been built and or funded by Saudi Arabia which practices Wahhabism. Anyone interested should Google Wahhabism and read for themselves.
Not all Muslims are terrorists or extremists, but if the majority believes in peace, why do they not band together and openly march or have public rallies denouncing these “nut jobs”? You know, the way the Iranians get 10,000-plus people together chanting “death to America.” One last thing, these fanatical Muslims that are currently in America will do their best to blend into society. That’s their job. Just look at the doctors who were recently arrested in Britain for plotting and carrying out a terrorist attack as to how far they will “assimilate” to carry out their beliefs.
Andrew Serrano, Morgan Hill