music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor, The Morgan Hill Times admits our city needs to
recover. It is time for a new direction on the path to that
recovery. Tate has been on council for 12 years and history keeps
repeating itself.
It’s time for a new vision, elect Art College for mayor

Dear Editor,

The Morgan Hill Times admits our city needs to recover. It is time for a new direction on the path to that recovery. Tate has been on council for 12 years and history keeps repeating itself.

The May 8, 2007 edition of the Morgan Hill Times reports on the City Budget for 2007-2008 quoting the City Manager Ed Tewes as saying, “the city would be left with a “lean” government with little room to grow or even keep up with ordinary tasks like repairing traffic signals and cleaning road gutters.”

The Sept. 20, 2007 edition of the San Jose Mercury News reported on Public-Employee salary data from dozens of local governments and public agencies. They came up with the $100K and over club. Out of the 20 cities listed, Morgan Hill was in the top five where employees are being paid $100K along with San Jose, Milpitas, Fremont and Santa Clara. Oct. 26, 2007 the Morgan Hill Time’s front page headline reads, “City heads, manager cash in.” Our City Manager was listed as making $208,978 annually. Out of the total of the 12 highest paid positions listed, the lowest paid was the city clerk making $137,165.

Dec. 21, 2007 edition of the Morgan Hill Times reports, “The city’s Redevelopment Agency on Wednesday approved spending $10.6 million to buy the Granada Theatre; the Downtown Mall and several other properties and parking lots from private owners.” As well the city would be hiring a new RDA assistant at a salary of $108,980 to $132,000 a year. What happened to “lean government with little room to grow?

Jan. 4, 2008 the Times headlines announces Tate’s decision to run for Mayor in the November election. His comment was “Incumbents running for re-election usually win.” Now that is an insult to our voters and a poor reason to be re-elected.

In that same election, we had to vote for a Utility Users Tax which was considered necessary to “help protect general city services including the public safety”. This tax would go directly into the General Fund. It was defeated 64.78 percent with no votes.

Don’t be fooled by the good old RDA label. Tax money is tax money, when the RDA builds or restores a facility it stops there and by law cannot pay for maintaining it. The General Fund pays for it, which is the same fund that pays for public safety. It is common sense that the General Fund will run into the negative compromising what it is legally required to support, facilities purchased by the RDA that are consistently losing money. You can’t spend your way out of debt, no matter how many ways you present it. Council is being penny wise and pound foolish with their mentality on spending.

The editorial in the Oct. 1, 2010 Times states “In the past two years, we have gone through the toughest economic turmoil in most of our lifetimes.” No kidding and much of it is due to overspending, pie in the sky, and greed. It is a huge correction period in our economic history on a global, national, local and personal level. The Time’s suggestion to “vote for experience, elect Steve Tate for Mayor” encourages more of the same. I personally don’t want the same “experience” that we have had under Tate’s leadership.

The Times states “Allow Mayor Tate to continue to implement his vision.” No thank you. I want a mayor who is a servant of the people who will implement the vision of all the people, not “his” vision. Tate is a 12-year incumbent. Career politicians today become blind to the people, unlike our founding fathers. “Political interest can never be separated in the long run from moral right.” – Thomas Jefferson.

I have loved this city for 23 years. I want someone who respects the citizen’s money and resources they are being entrusted with. There is a candidate who has been a concerned citizen of this city for 23 years. He has made consistent and strong efforts toward the good of all without all the pomp and circumstance, just because he genuinely cares. My vote goes to Art College for mayor.

Rona R. College-Sisto, Morgan Hill

Make well-informed decisions before voting on Measure P

Dear Editor,

The intent of this letter is to make the voters of Morgan Hill aware of the proposed Measure P and how it would effect our lives if it passes. Measure P would have the city clerk and city treasurer appointed instead of the current practice of having them elected every four years.

The City Council wants to appoint them stating that they would be able to get better personnel by being able to demand more education, skills, etc. The City Council asserts this would make these positions politically neutral and improve accountability.

This sounds good, but in reality they call this the “old-boy network.” You appoint your friends or those who think just like you. We do not want the fox guarding the hen house. This process eliminates any public oversight. It just adds another layer to the already huge bureaucracy and we have no control.

One of the fundamental principles of our Constitution is the concept of checks and balances. This is the built in mechanism that prevents one part of government from becoming too powerful.

The duties of both the city clerk and city treasurer are too important. They must remain independent of the city manager and city council. IF not, there is an increased risk of collusion and corruption. Remember the city of Bell?

An independently elected city treasurer and city clerk have the responsibility and duty to serve us, the people. They will be able to observe, report and function without fear of reprisal or reprimand.

It is the duty of the citizens of Morgan Hill to run for office and to elect well qualified candidates. We may qualified, experienced and dedicated people here in Morgan Hill.

I would encourage the voters to make well-informed decisions. I urge the voters to look at the cause and effects of Measure P before voting.

Chip Chiappetta, Morgan Hill

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