music in the park, psychedelic furs

Letter writer on development issues is telling outright lies in ‘latest potshot diatribe’

Dear Editor,

Mark Grzan has been submitting the same letter to the editor for several years, railing against the evils of incorporating the southeast quadrant into the city of Morgan Hill. In his latest diatribe, he takes potshots at a wide range of community members, including the mayor, local farmers, and, for some reason, me.

Mr. Grzan claims that I approved development in the southeast quadrant as a Councilmember and now serve as a lobbyist for the developers. Mr. Grzan is dead wrong on both counts.

To the first point, it would be impossible for me to vote on anything outside our city limits, and Mr. Grzan knows this. Perhaps he’s still upset that I supported the Morgan Hill Aquatics Center and Outdoor Sports Complex, both projects he opposed, because they are near the southeast quadrant? Hard to say.

Mr. Grzan is also lying about me being a paid lobbyist for the southeast quadrant. I have never been paid a dime to lobby for the southeast quadrant, but I would gladly do so if given the opportunity because it would give me more time to work on what I consider to be the most critical issue for our community’s future.

I grew up in Morgan Hill, and used to cross the southeast quadrant on my way to my first job. Back then, there was a stop sign at Tennant and Monterey, and little more than fields and orchards all the way across the valley. Much has changed since then, and development has encroached on the southeast quadrant from all sides. The reality is that the southeast quadrant, if left as county land, will be parceled off into a hodgepodge of McMansions, fallow land and other unsightly uses. In other words, it will be the next Coyote Valley, which suffers under same county land use laws that currently govern the SEQ.

The only way to prevent this fate is to bring landowners, farmers, planners and environmentalists together to create a plan for the southeast quadrant, ensuring agriculture remains viable, hillsides are preserved in perpetuity, and appropriate development is kept next to the freeway or clustered in the right places. And the only way to make sure such a plan comes together is to put this critical region under the city’s more detailed and rigorous land use standards.

Mr. Grzan will no doubt continue to flood this newspaper with his erroneous claims and scare tactics. This is nothing new. He was an ineffective councilmember because he tried the same bullying tactics long before he was voted out of office. I urge people who really care about our city’s future to ignore his rants and instead work to ensure a long-term solution that preserves this critical region for our future.

Greg Sellers, Morgan Hill

The Golden Quill is awarded occasionally for a well-penned letter.

This year’s Patriotic Sing a musical tribute and a chance to write to a serving soldier  

Dear Editor,

As Chairperson of the 24th Annual Patriotic Sing, I would like to invite members of our community, families, and friends to this year’s Freedom Fest performance at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 3, at the Britton School Gymnasium. The event, which is free, will feature patriotic songs, essay contest awards, a pictorial tour through America, and a chance to celebrate America’s birthday. Please join us and rekindle your patriotism! We extend a special invitation to members, past and present, of our Armed Forces.

Years ago, the goal of the Patriotic Sing was to teach children of our community the songs of our country. Over the years, the Sing has evolved into a tribute to our military. This year, our chorus members have donated items which will be sent to deployed troops. Members of the “Blue Star Moms”? will be joining us. Audience members will be encouraged to write notes to our deployed soldiers.

We are creating a “Wall of Heroes”. Our chorus and community members have submitted names and pictures of family and friends who have served or are currently serving in our Armed Forces. Names and pictures can be submitted at our final rehearsal on Monday, July 2, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Britton Gym.

   Our “Wall of Heroes” will ride with us on our Parade Float on July Fourth. From Pearl Harbor to Afghanistan, we will honor “Those Who Serve” as we say, “Happy Birthday, America!”

Karen Ann Crane, Morgan Hill

America’s top 1 percent are doing just fine, but everyone else is suffering economically

Dear Editor,

America’s top 1 percent are doing fine. They control more of our nation’s wealth than the bottom 90 percent of Americans. With Supreme Court help they gained control of the House of Representatives. They already own enough Senators to block any legislation that helps the bottom 90 percent. The 1 percent plan: 1. Cut taxes. 2. Cut jobs and services for the bottom 90 percent of Americans. 3. Spend as much money as necessary to elect people to carry the 1 percent banner. The only “force” that can stop this nonsense is American Voters. 

Before Nov. 6 American Voters must understand that they belong to the bottom 90 percent. If they do there is a bright future for our nation. Lack of understanding changes that to bleak and tragic.


Frank Crosby, Morgan Hill

Comment on librarian retiring with a six-figure pension income way off the bookmark

Dear Editor,

This remark is responding to Henry Miller in a recent “Around the Water Cooler” question. Your remarks about a librarian retiring after 20 years with the City of San Jose receiving a six-figure retirement are false. If you did some research, you would find a federated employee (not police or fire) receives 2 1/2 percent for each year of service. 

If an average salary of her highest three years was $3,000 per month, it would make her monthly retirement approximately $1,500. That does not leave one a six figure annual retirement if you do the math. I should know. I retired from the city after working there for 22 years.  I am upset to think the public has been misinformed about public employees’ retirement amounts.

By the way, I have been giving back to the community by volunteering (no pay) at public agencies for nearly 14 years.  That eliminates your tax dollars paying for another outrageous retirement amount.

Frances Olson, Morgan Hill

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