music in the park, psychedelic furs


Offer more youth recreational choices

Dear Editor,

We would like to see more entertainment in town. A new skate park would be nice. Something to keep everyone out of trouble might be useful, too. How about outdoor functions geared toward teens? Morgan Hill is a wonderful place to live and group up, but it gets very dull. Police should loosen restrictions on skating in town. Mr. Steve Tate, our generation would like to see somewhere to hang out other than loitering in front of grocery stores. It will cut down violence, drinking and other trouble-making youths.

Jarrod Murray and Taylor Palmer, Morgan Hill

Great newspaper redesign, TV section

Dear Editor, 

Kudos to you … and a couple of huzzahs, too!

I love the new TV pullout section in the Friday paper. I was there in your office weekly with the complaint when you were in transition and this section was missing.

And the colored pictures at the bottom of the front page are another great addition. This way I can see at a glance if one of more of my favorite columnists such as Bounds, Sontag, etc., are in that day’s edition … and in which section.

I do miss The Wine Guy, though. Perhaps he’ll decide to write again.

Lois Hoctor, Morgan Hill

Newspaper design changes are helpful

Dear Editor,

In last week’s paper I noticed a format change that I really appreciated. The colorful “navigational aids” at the bottom of the front page make it quick and easy to locate a section or a columnist. Very simple, yes – but also extremely helpful. In today’s ever-busier world, any help/aid is appreciated for dealing with the increasing volume of information and data that we sift through each day. I appreciate that the editor and staff are continually thinking of ways to make our community newspaper more navigable, relevant, and informative.

And … thanks for not using this bottom part of the front page as just another opportunity to expose me to more advertising (an annoying practice that another newspaper we receive has now resorted to). 

Jay Jaso, Morgan Hill

Blast Congress not Yahoo

Dear Editor,

Rep. Tom Lantos, D-California, has called Yahoo Inc. spineless, irresponsible and a moral pygmy because Yahoo actions led to the imprisonment of one Chinese journalist, Shi Tao. What words does Lantos, chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee, have for the group whose actions have caused an estimated 1.2 million Iraqi deaths, the wounding of 27,000-plus and deaths of 3,887-plus brave Americans? Yahoo looks like a moral giant when compared to our United States Congress.  

Frank Crosby, Morgan Hill

So long Ben Gilmore

Dear Editor, 

I am going to miss Ben Gilmore. I never met the man, but I have been reading his columns since coming to Morgan Hill eight years ago. If readers missed it, Ben wrote a farewell column earlier this month saying he was moving to Citrus Heights.

Ben’s columns presented a truly unique perspective on our political landscape. I didn’t share his views and most people who know me might consider us to be polar opposites. However, Ben’s filled a niche. Too often today, newspaper op-ed columns parrot the leanings of their editorial pages. To confirm that just read the back of the front sections of The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times. For the most part, the columns share the leanings of the editorial board. On television, those with opposing views are the punching bag entertainment for Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olberman.

The Morgan Hill Times offers a more balanced perspective and Ben Gilmore was part of that balance. His columns were a clear sign that Morgan Hill is a diverse community and I think that’s good.

Ben’s columns provided the perspective of old Republican Party conservatism that harkens back to the days of Barry Goldwater. A lot has changed since those days. To me, Ben’s views were those of curmudgeon longing for “the good old days.” However, I always respected Ben not only for his views, but for his willingness to state them.

It shows that each of us brings something special to the table – different skills, different backgrounds and different thoughts. It is the sum of these talents that combine to form our strong community fabric that makes Morgan Hill a good place to work, live and raise a family.

So Ben, good luck and I hope your voice finds an outlet in Citrus Heights.

David Cohen, Morgan Hill

Morgan Hill Times Editorial Board member

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