I was shocked not only by the harsh nature of the writing, but
also the illogical and bigoted viewpoint conveyed in a recent
Letter to the Editor by Kevin Christensen about sex clubs in this
I was shocked not only by the harsh nature of the writing, but also the illogical and bigoted viewpoint conveyed in a recent Letter to the Editor by Kevin Christensen about sex clubs in this area.
After I read the letter I looked back through old newspapers to find the editorial in question and was surprised by what I found.
After reading the scathing letter I had expected to find an editorial about the clubs filled with what were described as “extremist views on morality,” “puritanical crap,” and “rigidity and lack of compassion.” Rather, what I found was simply an opinion piece urging parents to “open their eyes and take a look at where society is today, and think about how they’re raising their children.”
The editorial wasn’t written by a bunch of extremists trying to control other people’s lives, it was simply a reminder that parents play a huge role in their children’s development, which will affect t he rest of their lives.
The letter writer seems to stand against the newspaper editorial writers who try to “shove their brand of morality down readers throats” and participate in “rabid finger waving.” However, in the very same letter, the writer does his own own finger waving, saying to the writers of the “sex clubs” editorial: “You are the ones who are raising tomorrows swingers.” The statements made the letter are irrational and express extremely intolerant personal views.
Also, the writer seemed horrified that the “sex clubs” editorial makes the “assumption” that the people who go to the swingers club are somewhat affected by the way that their parents raised them. I definitely do not believe that the lifestyle choices of children are completely determined by how their parents raised them. Obviously there are many other factors involved. However, it would be foolish to say that the guidelines that parents set down have no affect on the lifestyles and choices of their children.
Anyone who is honest with themselves has to admit that parents help shape the character of their children. That is all that the writers of the “sex clubs” editorial were trying to communicate.
People have differing opinions, and if you disagree with them it is best to respond with a logical argument, not with insults, blaming and hypocritical standards. Everyone has the right to disagree, and I encourage everyone to share those opinions. However, it should be done in a mature, rational way.
Ben Whittaker, Gilroy