EDITOR: San Jose Christian College has found property in Rocklin
and will relocate there instead of Morgan Hill.
San Jose Christian College has found property in Rocklin and will relocate there instead of Morgan Hill.
Morgan Hill missed out. We lose.
This is just another example to support the position that our city government drives quality establishments away.
Meanwhile, the empty, decaying pink buildings (the former Saint Louise Hospital) on the northern edge of Morgan Hill stand as a monument to the skill of those who run this fine city. (Remember that these buildings are visible from the freeway as you enter Morgan Hill through our infamous “gateway” zone, oh my!).
Since the property is zoned for a “medical facility”, perhaps Morgan Hill could bend the definition of “medical facility” and lure Body Piercing College, or Tattoo Parlor Workers School to fill the site. That’s about what Morgan Hill deserves.
Frank Ferguson, Morgan Hill