Hundreds of children ages 5-11 are already signed up for their first round of Covid-19 vaccinations at two clinics scheduled in South County this weekend.
On Saturday, a Safeway vaccine clinic for children will take place 10am to 4pm at El Toro Health Science Academy, 455 East Main Ave. in Morgan Hill. Volunteers from the Rotary Club will be on hand to sign in patients and help the lines move efficiently.
And on Sunday, 9am to 4pm Nov. 7, the Santa Clara County Office of Education and Safeway will host a vaccine clinic at the SCCOE South County Annex, 9300 Wren Ave. in Gilroy.
Former Morgan Hill Unified School District Superintendent Steve Betando, who is helping organize the Nov. 7 clinic, said there will be a total of 1,000 doses available for children. Appointments are still available, and can be made through the QR code in the flyer below.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this week approved the Pfizer vaccine for children age 5-11. The vaccine is a two-dose series, with the second shot administered three weeks after the first.
For the Nov. 6 clinic in Morgan Hill, Morgan Hill Mayor Pro Tem John McKay—a longtime Rotary Club member—said 700 people have signed up for Pfizer vaccines for children.