Three Live Oak High juniors were suspended from school Monday
for three days following an investigation into vandalism of the
senior and sophomore Homecoming parade floats last week.
Three Live Oak High juniors were suspended from school Monday for three days following an investigation into vandalism of the senior and sophomore Homecoming parade floats last week.
Principal Nancy Serigstad said Tuesday that the floats – and the house where one of them was parked – were “egged” Thursday night. The Homecoming parade was Friday afternoon.
The three males were apparently accompanied by five females, but the females did not participate in the egging.
“We put them to work cleaning up,” said Serigstad.
Students had spent hours planning and working on the floats, Serigstad said. They were able to clean up the floats in time for the parade. The senior float, complete with rock band, won first prize. The sophomore float won second prize and the junior float came in last.
A $500 reward was offered by the School District for information on the vandalism. Serigstad said two students who turned in the names of the three juniors will split the money. A parent or parents of the juniors also called the school, she said.
Other consequences for the vandals may include being banned from extra-curricular events at the school.
“School events, extra-curricular events, are privileged, they are not guaranteed,” said Serigstad. “Students can be banned from events, for example, not be allowed to go through the graduation ceremony, for something like this. If these students were to do something like this again, that would definitely happen.”