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Pampuch shows her true colors bashing Rush Limbaugh

Dear Editor,

I guess the “Rules of Conduct” as posted by the Times do not apply to Lisa Pampuch with her denigration of Rush Limbaugh. She called it a three-day verbal assault on Sandra Fluke. I would hazard a guess that for most Rush’s choice of words directed toward Fluke are in poor taste. Yes, he apologized stating he regrets what he said.  

According to Pampuch, this is not good enough as she would prefer an all-out assault directed toward Rush including a slander and defamation lawsuit.  

I did notice in her article not one word directed toward Bill Maher and his multitude of vicious verbal attacks directed toward conservative women like Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and even Hillary Clinton.

He used profane words that I could not use as they would not be published in the Times directed toward these women. Was there a phone call from Obama to any of them? No, Maher is donating $1,000,000 to the Obama super PAC. Anything wrong here?

Now let us get to the “lies” according to Pampuch and how this whole scenario with Fluke transpired. She shows up, wants to speak to the Issa group and is denied as she is hardly an authority on the subject, government mandated birth control from religious institutions, but she is invited to speak at a Nancy Pelosi-chaired Demo group on the same subject and unlike many committees, this one is filmed. Hmmm.

She attends Georgetown, a Catholic University well regarded in the academic community that does not offer coverage for birth control, which should be their prerogative. Not good enough for Pampuch who pretty much hates religion and for Fluke who has a “friend” who has an ovarian cyst requiring birth control pills as part of the treatment and Fluke states that birth control can cost over $3,000 for three years and because of the lack of the “Pill” her “friend” lost an ovary. Is that plausible?

Problem is, most Americans want less government intrusion, not more. But I digress, Pampuch states that Rush was lying, not that he was incorrect, but lying. First, we all have a stake in Obamacare.

The mandate on insurance companies covering birth control is passed on to all those paying into health insurance as an increase in premiums. Does she think insurance companies are going to pick up the tab? Insurance is not part of any company’s compensation package, but is a benefit provided by the company.

Prior to Obamacare, the Health Insurance varied from company to company with some firms picking up the costs, some having the employees sharing and some offering discounted insurance and the employees paying the full costs at a bulk rate. Adding on for additional coverage such as birth control, pregnancy, vasectomy to employees increasing their premium costs.

Individuals should and can take responsibility for their own birth control and using unwanted pregnancies as justification for the rest of us picking up the tab for birth control which I understand at Wal-Mart is about $9 a month and available at Planned Parenthood. We also know that the “Pill” is used on occasion for treatment of ovarian cysts, that is covered under the Georgetown insurance.

Let’s summarize some key points such as the First Amendment and free speech which Lisa throws out from time to time. This seems to apply when Lisa is trying to prove her point of view.

Bill Maher certainly has the freedom to spout off some really offensive language that seems OK with the left because it is on HBO, a cable channel at 10 at night. Somehow the left attempts to use this as justification for Maher’s abuse of women because it is said behind cable TV. He said it; venue has nothing to do with it.

Rush said it, he was wrong, he apologized, get over it.

This whole Fluke episode would have backfired on the Demos and Pelosi if Rush had kept his mouth shut, but instead Fluke was painted with a brush that elevated her stature above what it should have been. The whole scenario was contrived and I smell a Nancy Pelosi smoking gun.

Americans did not fall for this, but Rush should have just left it alone. Me, personally, I do not listen to Rush and have heard enough from him from time to time that validates my position. As for Maher, I have watched his HBO show when he had someone of interest, but I have yet to laugh. He is not funny.

Fred Oliveri, Morgan Hill


Smokers don’t need protecting, they need educating

Dear Editor,

I recently attended a study session on Tobacco Retail Licensing and Smoke Free Parks and Trail ordinance in Gilroy. Present were residents, health care professionals, Breathe California, high school students and merchants. All but the merchants shared how dangerous second hand smoke is.

County records indicate that seven of 32 stores checked in Gilroy sold cigarettes to minors. Yet the council decided not to continue the study. One council member felt so strongly against it he found it necessary to curse, while the mayor laughed and joked with a merchant about how hard it is to quit.

They also voted not to continue the study on Smoke Free Parks and Trails. They did vote to continue the study on a smoking area at some parks. The mayor expressed the need to represent smokers as well. Even though the only persons there who smoke was council members and a merchant. It seems the council is only concerned with protecting smokers and merchants selling to minors. It is an established fact that second hand smoke kills. Smokers don’t need protecting, they need educating. The children, families and seniors are the ones who need protecting from second hand smoke. Thank you councilmen Arellano and Munoz for looking at the facts and dangers of smoking.

Linda Roma, Morgan Hill


Why gamble when we can have a sure thing on the west side?

Dear Editor,

The city of Morgan Hill is pushing the entire $19.3 million of RDA funds out on the table, betting the house, to improve the appeal of Morgan Hill’s downtown. In the proposal, they contend by building parking garages, working with developers in creating apartments above retail spaces and redoing the architectural and landscaping along downtown’s Monterey Road and adjoining streets, that this will provide the most benefit to the citizens of Morgan Hill.

It has already been shown the City Council’s hand does not offer the citizens of Morgan Hill improved public safety, means for mutual aid, transportation enhancements, recreational opportunities, nor community support for our downtown businesses and activities … It’s a weak hand for a $19.3 million bet that depends on a big change in our economic climate, and a younger demographic to make this work.

A better hand to counter the city’s all or nothing gamble, is to use the remaining RDA funds on several projects which meet the multiple needs of Morgan Hill. Examine the following projects which the $19.3 million could fund.

– $8.8 million to complete the Hale Avenue extension.

– $1.2 million to complete the Northern Extension of Butterfield Boulevard.

– $1.5 million for changes to the Morgan Hill Community & Cultural Center to make it possible for Morgan Hill’s Gavilan Community College Campus.

– $500,000 to make any needed improvements and additional parking for the Community Recreation Center, Morgan Hill Aquatic Center, Youth Soccer Complex and other local sports facilities.

– $7.3 million to convert unused land for downtown parking, facilitate existing core businesses and attract businesses which fulfill local needs.

We need content not style. The following suggested retail mix can anchor a vibrant downtown:

– Provide BookSmart with financial incentives to expand and attract more downtown patronage.

– Make the Granada Theater functional for art exhibits, fine art movies and meetings.

– Morgan Hill has great local wineries. Let’s encourage a wine shop in downtown which promotes our local wine and tourism industry. This has been done very successfully by Star Market of Salinas with Monterey County wines.

– Encourage an outdoor sporting retailer offering camping, hiking, skiing, fitness, running, travel, cycling items along with appropriate gear, foot ware and clothing.

So which hand has the cards to allow Morgan Hill to win?

Do you want the city to play poker with all $19.3 million of RDA funds on one project, downtown, which emphasizes style? Or use the $19.3 million on multiple project with clear thought as to content which benefits all of Morgan Hill?

Contact our city leaders. Let’s observe the next City Council meeting March 21 to find out whether we move in the direction best for Morgan Hill.

Jon Hatakayama, Morgan Hill

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