music in the park, psychedelic furs

At 75 years old and after raising six children, my wife and I are blessed only with one granddaughter and one grandson. Few of our children have married. Is this a trend in our society, today? 

Our grandson is four and is forming his personality. Yet, with his good looks and tan skin, one cannot deny that he is beautiful. Yes, a beautiful boy, full of personality.

But our granddaughter, Ashley, now almost six, is absolutely extraordinary. We, as well as the other grandparents (their only grandchild, too), agree that perhaps this child is one-of a-kind – a bright, beautiful resplendent child. OK, at times, she can be headstrong and demand her way.

I believe that her look, her blue yet curious eyes, as well as her vibrant persona jog memories. She even gives the same curious, but loving, look as my grandmother did. I have never seen such an exceptional child. With long blond hair, Ashley is different. Even the small mole on her lower chin reflects the movie stars of the ’30’s and ’40’s.

She does things that are such a hilarious surprise. One day, her grandmother was talking to her on the phone and as Grandmother finished, she said, “Let me talk to your mother.” Ashley calls out, “Tracy, phone for you.” mimicking what a mother would say to her daughter, Tracy.

In looking at my granddaughter, I’ve come to the conclusion that there really are children in this world who don’t have to earn respect. They already have it. This child is one of a kind. 

But, let me tell a story.

Ashley loves to come to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. In fact, she loves to come and play with Grandpa, while her mother and Grandma go shopping. Of course, she directs. Usually, she draws crayon pictures on scrap paper that I save from my computer. Then we play monster until Grandpa says he can no longer get down on the floor or behind the bed to hide. We may then put a CD into the computer and she will play a game. Yes, at five, she is knowledgeable enough to play intricate kid’s games on the computer.

Soon, it is lunch time. Grandpa takes her to McDonald’s, where she eats her “Happy Meal” and plays in the gym contraption. She always finds a friend, even boys, and she, of course, becomes the director. 

Whether playing with Grandpa or playing with newly found friends at McDonald’s, Ashley is always the leader.

At other times when Ashley is left with Grandpa, we take a trip to Ashley’s favorite place.

Ashley is in her car seat, and we drive down Highway 101. Somewhere after the airport at San Martin, we see all the many “horsies” pastured along the freeway.

But her favorite comes at Masten. She calls it “the pot farm.” And, we take the off-ramp to “Garden Accents.”

Actually, you can see this establishment from the freeway. It also is a grass farm. Garden Accents has a huge display of pots and many other large “outdoor” decorative pieces.

This is Ashley’s favorite place. Maybe it’s mine, too.  

Ashley runs to the little pond to look at the goldfish then begins to skip down the lane to all the adventures, through covered plant areas to outside areas featuring planting pots of every color and design. Always skipping, Ashley jumps up on statue ponies and climbs into the saddle. With Ashley always leading, we dart down this venue and that. The place is a veritable maze.

Yelling “Grandpa, Grandpa follow me,” she skips to the next diorama. From the miniature train traveling around the track, out to the chess board that you can see from the freeway, Ashley says, “Grandpa, you want to play chess?”

But, most of all, she loves the doves in the large walk-in cage. And, so does the great big “house cat.” They both stare at the doves. Ashley talks to the doves. The “house cat” has other desires.

Just go there and explore. Maybe at Garden Accents, “the pot farm,” you will “skip along” like my Ashley.

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