music in the park, psychedelic furs

Morgan Hill Unified School District leaders and its Board of Trustees will schedule three public hearings to allow for comments and input into the Local Control Accountability Plan, the 2018-19 budget and district reserves as part of the June 5 meeting.
The 2018-19 budget shows $93,195,350 in total revenues and $91,168,368 in total expenditures, with $13,489,621 in unassigned/unappropriated funds, according to the district report.
Final action to approve the 2018-19 budget will be taken at the June 19 meeting.
A separate document states that the district has $19,945,247.51 in reserves.
Also to be discussed in open session, which begins immediately following closed session at about 6pm at the 15600 Concord Circle headquarters, will be:
•Family Engagement Plan; and
•Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) update.
Filling board vacancy
Superintendent Steve Betando is requesting board approval to add Trustee Tom Arnett’s Trustee Area 5 seat with two remaining years onto the “Election Order and Consolidation Request” for the Nov. 6 election.
Arnett announced his resignation, effective June 30, at a special meeting last week.
If the recommendation is approved by the board, Arnett’s seat would be added to the election ballot along with the expiring seats of trustees Gino Borgioli, David Gerard, Donna Ruebusch and Ron Woolf. Arnett’s spot would be from 2018-2020, while the other four would be from 2018-2022.
The candidate filing period is July 16 through Aug. 10. Incumbents failing to file a Declaration of Candidacy by the Aug. 10 deadline are prohibited from filing for the office during the extension period; and the nomination period for that office is then extended until 5pm on Aug. 15.
Consent items
Items listed under consent are considered routine and are grouped into a single vote by the board unless otherwise requested. Those items include:
• Extension of the Facilities Agreement with Charter School of Morgan Hill through June 30, 2019. The district received about $145,000 annually as part of 3 percent oversight fee for providing “rent-free” facilities, according to the agenda.
• $20,000 contract (Measure G) with McKim Design Group for the Jackson Academy of Math and Music’s new multi-purpose room/gym project.
• $70,850 contract (Measure G) with McKim Design Group for additional services for Paradise Valley Elementary School’s new classrooms and parking lot project
• $12,320 contract (Unrestricted General Fund) with Michael’s Transportation Services. “Currently, there is a school bus driver shortage in the Morgan Hill Unified School District’s Transportation Department. The District has entered into an agreement with a third-party transportation company in order to provide two drivers temporarily until the end of the school year,” the agenda states.
• $21,736 contract (Local Control Funding Formula funds) with Advanced Via Individual Determination (AVID) Center “to continue the AVID program at Live Oak and Ann Sobrato High Schools and Britton and Martin Murphy Middle Schools.”
• $33,750 contract (LCFF funds) with Santa Clara County Office of Education for Positive Behavior Intervention and Support “to foster better student connectedness to school and positive school climate.”
Britton Middle School Project changes
• $106,000 contract (Measure G) with Quatrocchi-Kwok Architects to provide design services for Britton Middle School.
• $18,180,189 design-build contract amendment (Measure G) with Blach Construction Company-Quattrocchi Kwok Architects for Britton Middle School.
• $138,705 contract (Measure G) with Consolidated Engineering Laboratories for testing and special inspection services for Britton Middle School.
Personnel order
Seven teacher resignations, all effective June 8, as well as 24 teacher “end of contract” terms were part of the June 5 personnel order attached to the online agenda.
Linda Row, the district’s Director of Student Services and Enrollment, and Matthew Coughlin, the district’s Construction Project Supervisor, are on the administrative resignation list for the June 5 agenda. Row is effective June 30. Coughlin was effective May 30.

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