music in the park, psychedelic furs

Through my Interfaith work with the Interfaith CommUNITY of Santa Clara (ICSC) and the Interfaith Clergy Association (ICA) I have many opportunities to engage with many aspects of Interfaith life—its celebration of the diversity of culture, faith expressions, food, music, art and more.  

Recently in my Interfaith journey I ran across the artwork of Sherron Fairbairn and her recent painting entitled “A New Dream” (you may google it at The Multifaith Action Society (MAS) used her painting as the front cover for their Multifaith Calendar theme for 2023, “Building Our Future Together.”  It is a stunning expression embracing ALL.  

Rev. Patrick Davis

In some ways it reminds me of Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing of “The Vitruvian Man.” Yet this is a painting of a young woman, sitting with her back towards us and compelling the observer to take it “ALL” in through her eyes, with outstretched arms as she celebrates and encompasses it all:  earth, water and sky. 

Here we see her embracing all the wonder and limitless grandeur of possibilities and opportunities. 

It is obvious, to me, as to why the Multifaith Action Society chose her artwork for their 2023 Interfaith Theme: “Building Our Future Together.” Fairbairn’s painting offers us eyes to see deeply into our own thoughts and reflection of what we all have lived through for the past two years and to ponder our hope for the future. She says, “The message behind my artwork is meant to evoke hope as we move forward; and it all begins with love.”

In their introduction to their Multifaith Calendar for 2023, MAS writes, “The last few years have been challenging, yet we have persevered. We have conserved our energies, as needed, and have tapped into more inner strength than likely any of us knew we had. Our struggles have not been easy, but we have deepened our resolve and grown immeasurably in spite of—indeed, because of—them.”

Moving forward into this new year, the folks at the MAS and on behalf of the ICSC and ICA invite all of us to open our eyes, our hearts, our minds and the doors of our faith communities and work toward building our future together; to support our community, our workers and small businesses that have languished during the pandemic; plant gardens, care for the animal populations and our environment—the earth, the oceans, seas and sky.  

Let this be a time to amend our past abuses and heal our social and political divisions; and teach our children to love themselves and one another. There is no need to fear when you know you are just one part of a loving, cohesive community. 

Finally, with courage take some time to celebrate, with outstretched arms, the beautiful and essential work of “Building Our Future Together.” 

For more information contact or on Twitter: @mfcalendar.

Rev. Patrick Davis, is a retired United Methodist Pastor. He served the Morgan Hill United Methodist Church for 10 years and continues to work in the South Bay Community with service to the Interfaith CommUNITY of the South Bay and the Interfaith Clergy Association. He is the Founder and Executive Director for the Bay Area Alliance for Youth and Family Services, a 501C3 nonprofit providing residential and mental health services approved by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS/CCL) and the Department Health Care Services (DHCS) and accredited by CARF. Pastor Patrick can be reached at pa*****@ba****.org

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