Guest view: Enjoy Freedom Fest at home
It all begins with a broadcast of the Patriotic Singers on July 3 at 6pm. Then, we move into the grand celebration on July 4. At 10am, we will bring you a full live celebration, which will include: over 200 horses, 300 band members and singers, a dozen classic cars, two dozen marching groups and floats, along with special messages from local first responders and essential workers.
Guest view: Anderson Dam is top priority for water district
Our top priority remains an effort to retrofit and strengthen Anderson Dam, home to Santa Clara County’s largest reservoir, so it can safely withstand a strong earthquake.
Guest view: When dementia comes knocking
Nearly nine million Americans have dementia, including more than 1 in 10 over the age of 65. Within the next decade, baby boomers will be the largest older adult population in U.S. history. Their risk of having dementia will double every five years. We have a public health crisis and we are not prepared for it.
Guest view: Make the best of new reality
Trust me, graduates, high school graduation is not at all like the movies crack it up to be. Most importantly, we are all coming together to show an outstanding level of support.
Guest view: Include Latinos in economy rebuilding
California’s Latino community is experiencing the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic’s impact. About 50 percent of the state’s more than 62,000 cases, and 33 percent of its total deaths are Latino, more than any other racial or ethnic group in California.
Guest view: Who will pay for pandemic impacts?
The COVID-19 pandemic and the severe economic recession it induced are disasters unparalleled in recent generations and it will take years to fully recover from their human and financial tolls.
Guest view: No new housing bills
To consider non-essential legislation without opportunity for public hearings violates the Brown Act, writes Bob Silvestri, president of Community Venture Partners in Mill Valley. And, he says more new housing bills do not qualify as essential legislation.
Guest view: Essential childcare; don’t fall for scams
The Morgan Hill Community Foundation is asking for help to raise money to cover childcare costs for essential healthcare workers and first responders. For more information and to donate, visit
Guest view: County responds to pandemic impacts
By Mike Wasserman
I hope that you and your families are safe and healthy during this pandemic. These are truly unprecedented times and while the majority of residents are not infected, we are all affected. My staff and I compiled some resources for Santa Clara...
Guest view: Maintain mental health during shelter in place
Today we are “sheltering in place” to protect our physical health, the health of our loved ones and our greater community. However, these protections, combined with the enormous uncertainty we face, can have a significant toll on our mental health.