A Teen Love Affair: Sobrato’s Grease Keeps Hearts Racing
The magic of a musical doesn't always hit its target, but Ann Sobrato High School's presentation of "Grease" on Friday evening, May 12, definitely scored a bull's-eye. Director Mark Masoni brougnt together a diverse group of vital performers in their rendition of high school life during the 50's.
Live Oak High School’s Senior Ball Was Amazing
Amazing is the best word I can think of to describe the night of May 20th, 2006. Held at Monterey's Post Naval Graduate School, Senior Ball is a night that many look forward to and nobody can forget. Sadly, Senior Prom is the beginning of the end for seniors who only have 20 school days left until graduation.
Community Conversation – Well Meant But Not Well Spent
On Saturday, April 29, the city held its "capstone" event concluding the input portion of the Community Conversation – the year-long project to determine what Morgan Hill residents want to keep, change or are willing to do without – along with how these things should be paid for.
RDA Has Had Its Share
Morgan Hill Times editorial board member Lisa Pampuch recently wrote a rather light-heartedly column about suspending or eliminating Morgan Hill's RDA. Pampuch and those who agree with her are operating from a knowledge deficit. I believe they care about the issue, although perhaps not enough to educate themselves about the consequences of their ideas.
Measure A: What’s Raised Here Will Stay Here
As a Republican and fiscal conservative that has represented South County on the Board of Supervisors for 10 years, I've thought long and hard about it, and I strongly support Measure A.
When You Walk Out That Door You Represent Your Family
I had a good chuckle the other morning reading venerable Gilroy resident Bill Filice chastise the Dispatch's frequent flamer Alan Viarengo. It wasn't that I was glad he was taking Mr. Viarengo to task for things he's said in the past, and it wasn't the nice things he said about Mr. Viarengo's family (although they were nice).
It’s Prom Time – Let’s Be Smart Out There
The rain shouldn't fool us. It's spring; proms are upon us; graduation is coming very soon; and the carefree days of summer are just around the corner. Last year's debacle in Monterey for some Live Oak students should be very much on our minds as we see our teens head out for some of the most memorable evenings of their lives.
Skip Along, It’s Spring
At 75 years old and after raising six children, my wife and I are blessed only with one granddaughter and one grandson. Few of our children have married. Is this a trend in our society, today?Â
Countering Myths About the RDA
In politics, it's becoming commonplace to repeat the same thing over and over again until everyone believes it's true, even if it's not. We've seen this phenomenon on the national level (repeat after me: WMDs), and we're seeing it on the local level in recent articles and editorials concerning the RDA.