Grabbing the Brass Ring
Graduation is now in the air for high schools and colleges. What fun! But, what's next? I urge all of you, graduates, to "Keep on achieving."
Summer Vacations Translate to Memorable Family Outings
Attention, parents: Have you noticed extra family members underfoot recently? An increase of cookie crumbs on the carpet? Privacy in the bathroom cut to an average 7.5 seconds per visit?Â
Shared Passions at 3am on the Streets of Barcelona
"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I'm very disappointed in that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more than that."
Branch Out, But Remember Your Roots
The days left of high school can now be counted on one hand. It's hard to believe that the journey that started 13 years ago will finally come to an end as the Live Oak High School Class of 2006 finally graduates.
Fathers Lead the Way and Teach Us to Walk on Our Own
Although it's a bit faded now, there's an old picture that I like to look at on Father's Day. In it, a blond 5-year-old girl stands in a pale red coat, too short in the sleeves, her brown, scuffed cowboy boots planted wide apart on the sunny surface of a bridge. She's holding a fish. Still on the line, the fish is small, but the little girl's grin is so wide that a wad of bubblegum escapes from one side. The image calls to mind memories much more vivid than the photograph …Â
Don’t Drink and Drive … ‘Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah …’
"Don't drink, blah." Don't drink and drive, blah, blah, responsible, blah. No, blah, blah, drugs, blah, blah, blah …" By now, this must be what my teens hear when I talk about substance abuse, as I've talked to them about it since I thought they were old enough to understand, which is, for my daughter, since she was 4 when she asked me if she would die early. Jumping on the opportunity, I said "Don't drink alcohol and do drugs, choose friends who stay away from drinking and drugging, and you should live a long time," I told her.
May Television Sweeps Period Leaves Columnist Out of Sorts
You undoubtedly know by now that I endeavor to cover various major issues in this column such as ocean flatulence and exploding cattle. So as a public service, I'm deviating from the norm and dedicating this piece to anyone still in the grips of TV episode withdrawal and wondering, "What the heck is going to happen to Jack Bauer?"
LO Seniors Prepare For Finals Before End of School Year
There's only two weeks of school left. That's just 10 school days left for the freshmen, sophomores and juniors, but only six school days left for the seniors. Many, if not all of the students are anxiously awaiting summer vacation, but first we must get through the dreaded end-of-the-year finals. For the seniors, finals will be Friday for periods one, three and five and next Monday for periods two, four, zero and six.
Can You Believe It? The End of High School is Almost Here
So here we are, at the end of May. Does anybody remember last August? I don't know what happened, but even with two and a half weeks left of the 2005-06 school year, there are still activites floating around Live Oak.