Sharing Responsibility For High-Priced Housing Market
Have you complained about the high cost of houses in Morgan Hill? If you own a home you may be benefiting from the high prices or, at least, feel you are. Unfortunately to benefit from these prices you need to sell your home and move elsewhere. High prices in themselves do not provide any real benefit. The real result of these prices is that our sons and daughters are going to have a much tougher time buying their first home.
Keep Your Cool When Summer Temperatures Sizzle
Repeat after me… "I love summer. I love heat. I love summer. I love heat. I love…" Oh, for heaven's sake – it's Hot outside!
Environmental Regulation is Not a Property Rights Issue
Frankly, I am getting tired of the political rhetoric that continues to define conflicts over environmental regulation as a property rights issue. That is a sham foisted on us by those who think it their God-given right to make the maximum amount of money at our expense and the politicians, like Richard Pombo, who find this a convenient rallying cry.
Because I’m So Good, I’m Going to Give Back
We heard that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie intend to sell their baby's pictures for $4.1 million with money going to a children's institution.
Miki Kinkel’s Formal Dress Donation Spreads the Joy
Just a few days after one of the richest Americans, Warren Buffet, announced that he was going to hand over a lot of his vast fortune to the other richest American's foundation (Bill Gates), New York City Mayor Michael Bloomburg, no slouch in the "rich guy department" himself, announced that he too was committing major ducats to charity. A few others will follow suit, and that's a wonderful thing.
Eliminate the RDA to Erase General Fund Deficit
I whole-heartedly agree with Lisa Pampuch's May 2 column on the Redevelopment Agency in which she responded to a column written by Morgan Hill City Councilman Greg Seller.
Vacation Planning is No Day at the Beach
Have you ever noticed that making plans for air travel and hotels can be more complicated than launching a space craft? People run small countries with less restrictions and red tape than I've found when making travel arrangements this summer. I mean, there oughta be a law.
How Does A Democracy Fight Terror?
Editor's Note: Amy M. Stein, the Anti Defamation League for the Peninsula and Silicon Valley's assistant director, wrote this guest column in response to Morgan Hill Times editorial board member John Quick's column July 11 column entitled, "Understanding Terror's True Human Cost Could Bring Peace."
Understanding Terror’s True Human Cost Could Bring Peace
A Palestinian citizen heard recently on a National Public Radio