Work With Property Owners to Improve Albertsons Corner
The intersection of Dunne Avenue and Monterey Road is truly the
Morgan Hill Has a Downtown to Finish With RDA Help
Downtown Morgan Hill is suffering from a job half done.
Responding and Protecting Ourselves From Global Warming
To all Morgan Hill residents: Is it hot enough yet? In late
A Grateful Thanks to Morgan Hill and Santa Clara County
I owe a note of thanks to the Republicans of Morgan Hill. Santa Clara County was the only one of the four counties of the 11th Congressional District where I defeated Pombo in last June's primary election.
Lost In Transit: Forging Friendships on the Road
Have you ever encountered one of those annoying people who will bore you to distraction with cute stories about the time she got lost? Perky Pollyanna who took a wrong turn on the way to wherever – and just happened onto this marvelous restaurant where the waiter insisted on serving her all evening with champagne on the house. Or when she stumbled upon the quaintest little antique jewelry store where a fabulous diamond and pearl brooch had just gone on sale – it was such a steal! And all this because she accidentally got lost.Â
Truth About Mideast Conflict Should Be Goal
Many of the responses to my July 11 column about the sadness and sickness of the violence in the Middle East are attempting to label me in inaccurate ways; so I thought this column could help define who I am and what I believe. By doing this I hope we'll keep an ongoing discussion on track, and off personalities.
Remembering the Worst Job I Ever Had
Maybe your worst job ever was when you were in high school. Or maybe it was during college, or your first professional job. Or, perhaps, you've just retired from it. No matter. The fact is that we've all had jobs that in retrospect make us wince, lament or laugh out loud. Actually, a bad job should be a rite of passage. And, our "bad jobs" should be a learning experience. Bad jobs teach us humility, patience, and fortitude and how to get along with others. Most importantly, they teach us to aspire to something better.
Mideast Conflict Column Strived for Objectivity
As a columnist I feel I have done a reasonable job when I receive praise and angry responses to the same piece. My column on the Israeli/Palestinian issue was light on facts, but the facts were definitely accurate.