72.5 F
Morgan Hill
July 26, 2024

Read fine print on credit card

Dear Editor, It

Patience Beats Stupidity Every Time

A couple of years ago on a Saturday morning, Union Pacific track crews were working on the railroad tracks in Morgan Hill. Several times during that morning, the crossing gates on Dunne and San Pedro avenues were down at the same time. One time, both crossings were blocked for about 20 minutes. There was no train coming, but the gates were down, the lights were flashing and the bells were ringing.

Arrogance of those in power who think they are different than us

No one in California, or for that matter in much of the world,

Letters: Get all the facts straight before sounding off in letter

Dear Editor, It looks like ole Mr. Johnston diatribed too soon.

Disney On Ice: ‘Passport To Adventure’

Grab the kids and get to the Disney on Ice presentation of “Passport To Adventure.” It is delightful, educational and full of clever choreography, glorious costumes, exhilarating music and special effects. It has all the favorite Disney characters you can bundle in one evening without going into overdrive.

OUR VIEW: No surprise in water district GM’s departure

Santa Clara Valley Water District general manager Stan Williams' retirement is hardly surprising

South Valley residents honor war dead

On March 25, residents of South County are invited to

Letters: Passage of health care reform means manipulation, not representation

Dear Editor, I am outraged at the federal government for

