56.7 F
Morgan Hill
March 16, 2025
merrill gardens, senior living in gilroy california

Tradition runs deep with Emerald Regime

At her first practice with Live Oak High School’s Emerald Regime marching band in July 1983, Suzanne Passantino was introduced by a friend to an upperclassman on the drumline.

St. Catherine’s students to perform ‘The Little Mermaid’

Students at St. Catherine’s Catholic School are prepared to dazzle and delight audience members this weekend with performances of the musical, “The Little Mermaid.”

County board names Mary Ann Dewan as interim supe of schools

By a unanimous decision Nov. 15, the governing board for the Santa Clara County Office of Education appointed Mary Ann Dewan as the Interim Superintendent until they can decide on a permanent replacement.

Charter school schedules open enrollment period

Charter School of Morgan Hill will begin its open enrollment period Jan. 29, 2018 through March 2 for the 2018-19 school year.

Teachers steamed over district’s budget cut survey

Six months after settling a public, year-long contract dispute with its employers, the local teachers union’s president sounded off on district leaders for devising an online survey that points to teacher salaries and retirement benefits among the main causes for budgetary shortcomings.

Rossi wants to promote from within for next county supe

At least one county school board trustee thinks the next leader of the Santa Clara County Office of Education is already on the existing executive staff.

County, schools superintendent part ways

Santa Clara County is in search of a new education leader after its office of education and superintendent agreed to part ways, according to a Nov. 9 press release.

Charter leaders plead for state rehab funds

Denied an opportunity this week to demonstrate to the Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Trustees their compliance and qualifications for $11.5 million in state rehabilitation funds, leadership of the Charter School of Morgan Hill presented their case in four three-minute segments.

South Valley Science Fair to be held on Jan. 11

Oakwood School will host the 2018 South Valley Science Fair on Jan. 11, 2018, in partnership with the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce and other STEM advocates and professionals.

MHUSD enrollment, demographic figures to be presented at Nov. 7 meeting

An enrollment and demographics report for student population at Morgan Hill Unified School District schools is slated for the Nov. 7 board of education meeting.

